⚠️ On March 31st 2019, TTC Foundation launched its own blockchain solution, TTC, and rebranded TTC Protocol as Acorn Protocol. This article was published before the separation. [Read more]

TTC Protocol Seoul Meet-Up

The today and tomorrow of TTC Protocol and utility tokens

Maro — Official Blog


The blockchain industry and its ecosystems have gone through many changes the past year. Currently, the fear of the whole industry turning out a midsummer night’s dream and the hope of a new era being born co-exist in the blockchain world. As it is somewhat a chaotic but exciting time, both hopeful and doubtful debates regarding utility tokens is ongoing along with the active discussions about security tokens.

TTC Protocol vision that, measuring each individual’s contribution and redistributing value according to each and every contribution will create a better world. At the same time, TTC Protocol believes that utility tokens, which have real users and actual usage, will usher our lives into a new age.

Thus, to share our recent developments and to discuss the future of blockchain, we have organized our first official Seoul meetup. To hear what prominent figures of the industry thinks about the recent changes, we have invited the following guests.

Simon Kim, CEO of HASHED
Ryan Lee, CEO of Dunamu & Partners
Yongkil Kwon, CEO of NEOPLY
Suyong Park, CEO of Block Crafters Capital
Sinhae Lee, Partner of GBIC
Hyunsick Choi (SoSo,) Founder of SoSo Lab & Partner of Block Crafters Capital

Brian Cheong, CEO of TTC Protocol, and Chase Chang, VP of ecosystem of TTC Protocol will be presenting about recent developments and the future of TTC Protocol. After such presentations, the invited guests, including Brian, will be having panel discussions about the today and tomorrow of utility tokens. As HASHED, Dunamu & Partners, NEOPLY, Block Crafters Capital, and GBIC are all famous blockchain investors, the guests will be sharing their thoughts about the future of blockchain and how we should position ourselves. Furthermore, from an investors point of view, they will be discussing about how real economy will be fusing with blockchain technology and its industry.

Time and Location

- Time: 10/23 (Tue) 2018, 19:00~ 21:00
- Location: Mirim Tower 3rd floor, Teheranro 4 gil 14, Gangnamgu, Seoul
- Attendees: 120 people max
- Ticket: 5,000 KRW

The even will serve snacks and beverage. To prevent No Shows and give the opportunity to participate to those who are truly enthusiastic about the event, we will be receiving a small fee for the ticket.

Sign-up for the event

The event will be carried out in Korean. Interpretation services will not be provided. Also, those who do not sign-up via the above link will not be able to attend.

Bug Bounty Program

To better the TTC Protocol experience and improve its ecosystem, code enthusiasts are invited to join our community. Each individuals’ contribution will become part of a change which will impact billions.

Bug Bounty : https://hackenproof.com/ttc/ttc-protocol
Github : https://github.com/TTCECO/gttc

If you have any questions, reach us through our telegram channel and official email. We will continuously share updates and progress to the community. Thank you for your support and interest in TTC Protocol

— TTC Foundation

About TTC

TTC is a blockchain fit for mass adoption and a sustainable token economy model. For details, visit our website. For the latest news on TTC, join ourTelegram and follow us on twitter.



Maro — Official Blog

Connect and cooperate to create value and opportunities to build a prosperous world