⚠️ On March 31st 2019, TTC Foundation launched its own blockchain solution, TTC, and rebranded TTC Protocol as Acorn Protocol. This article was announced before the separation. [Read more]

TTC Protocol Website Updates

Chase Chang
Maro — Official Blog
2 min readDec 30, 2018


Take a glance at its beautiful upgrade

Dear supporters,

At the juncture between 2018 and 2019, we updated our official website with an all-new design, easier navigation flow and additional language support — Now in English, Korean, Chinese and Vietnamese.

Please check it out at https://tte.eco — and let us know what you think in our Telegram community at t.me/ttc_en.

We will try our best to optimize and update our website, bringing you the best possible browsing experience.

— TTC Protocol

Newly updated icons & sections

Bug Bounty Program

To better the TTC Protocol experience and improve its ecosystem, code enthusiasts are invited to join our community. Each individuals’ contribution will become part of a change which will impact billions.

TTC Protocol Bug Bounty: https://hackenproof.com/ttc/ttc-protocol
TTC Mobile Bug Bounty: hacken.live/2PxYAus
Github : https://github.com/TTCECO/gttc

If you have any questions, reach us through our telegram channel and official email. We will continuously share updates and progress to the community. Thank you for your support and interest in TTC Protocol

— TTC Protocol

About TTC

TTC is a blockchain fit for mass adoption and a sustainable token economy model. For details, visit our website. For the latest news on TTC, join ourTelegram and follow us on twitter.



Chase Chang
Maro — Official Blog

web2 by day, web3 at heart | prev: QANDA, Softbank Ventures, LINE | My voice. My thoughts.