Agang Ditlhogo, U.S.

“I entered Tetra Tech’s energy unit and I was invited to dance. People have been interested in hearing my perspectives and thoughts on a variety of issues. There are so many people here from different areas of the world. You can imagine our backgrounds are different and we speak different languages. But one of the things that brings us together is a passion to give international development a meaning.”

Tetra Tech International Development
4 min readMay 3, 2019


Originally from Botswana, Agang Ditlhogo is a fellow with Tetra Tech’s energy unit and has a background in computer science. She was in her late teens when she first saw a computer. “I thought of computers as these fancy things. There was a fascination and passion I could not explain. I wanted to empower other people and provide opportunities for them to create socially relative, innovative solutions for rural communities like I have done in my own village.”

While attending university in Botswana, Agang’s hard work in school enabled her to study abroad in Germany. This opportunity exposed her to a new and different perspectives of the world. “I got to appreciate how automated the society is and took that perspective back home after my internship. I was blown away.”

This experience sparked Agang’s interest in the international development field and she started believing there was a possibility she could contribute positively to her family and community. “The possibilities of learning outside of what I originally knew helped grow my love for international development.”

With the number of people, specifically of women, who go into computer science programs decreasing every year in Botswana, upon her return home, Agang saw an opportunity to contribute to her local communities through her passion for computer science. She began working to increase these numbers and bridge the digital literacy gap by co-founding The Clicking Generation — a non-profit, ICT academy for kids and teens. The goal of the academy is to expose kids and teens to the possibilities of technology as a tool across Botswana. “I thought there may be other kids and teens like me, who, if given the chance, could create innovative technology solutions for their communities. The currency in every industry is leaning towards technology. If we expect other young people from Botswana to partake, they need to be technologically literate.”

Agang initially applied for her fellowship to learn how to improve her non-profit. Though she had some expectations coming into her experience with Tetra Tech, she strives to enter every new situation with an open mind to learn from her new environment and share her perspectives as well. “Getting this fellowship has been an eye opener. Not just based on the cultural diversity I see at Tetra Tech, but because of the work ethic and the diverse project portfolio across many sectors. It is inspiring to see the diversity of development approaches, different elements and areas of work, and the intentionality behind the work people do every day to make a change in the world.”

Agang read an article recently that explains diversity as inviting someone to a party, but inclusion is asking that person to intentionally dance. “Through the fellowship, I was invited to this party, this event. And then I entered Tetra Tech’s energy unit and I was invited to dance. People have been interested in hearing my perspectives and thoughts on a variety of issues. There are so many people here from different areas of the world. You can imagine our backgrounds are different and we speak different languages. But one of the things that brings us together is a passion to give international development a meaning.”

For Agang, diversity and inclusion is being invited to the conversation and creating an environment validating everyone’s perspectives, despite their background. She has learned there are numerous approaches and opportunities for her to contribute to her own communities and others around the world. Having grown fond of the work and the people, Agang hopes working with Tetra Tech is in her future.

Agang pictured on the left

“It has been a privilege to be in these places and spaces, working with people who care about what you have to say. Culturally, it’s difficult to get your voice heard, as a young woman around tables. Sometimes we don’t even make it to the table. But here at Tetra Tech, people trust you enough to say, ‘you’ve got this.’ I am validated on so many levels — personally, professionally. I hope this is the beginning for me to be bold and fierce in my next step. I don’t know what that is, but I am excited to find out. It has really been a fantastic journey.”



Tetra Tech International Development

Tetra Tech is a leading, global consulting firm providing practical and sustainable international development services —