Bloomberg instructor training 20211011

Using BMC to get a grounding in accounting and finance

Phil Reed
TTT specialist business databases
1 min readOct 11, 2021


Last week

This week

  • We have upcoming student workshops in WRDS and Bloomberg, so I need Person A to work on both platforms simultaneously.
  • We have a Bloomberg workshop which I will delivery to Person A, however, we can use the Bloomberg Market Concepts certification course to provide a grounding in various accounting and finance concepts.
  • Establishing this background will aid in learning our workshop, why we teach what we teach, what is the context of it all, to where will it lead.
  • This foundation will also help with WRDS and later Eikon.
  • Since it is self directed and includes assessment throughout, it makes my role easier. I will still apply the same process as with WRDS, where I will set more advanced activities and challenges later, especially when we are joined by more colleagues.

Homework for next time

  • Continue with BMC, complete one of the four modules required for certification.
  • Pick an Feature/Function to describe to me. What does it do, why is it interesting, when would you use it, what else would you like it to do?
  • Continue with homework tasks from last time about WRDS.

Likely content next time

  • Work through the full WRDS UG workshop exercises and solutions.
  • Ask Person A to show me their chosen Bloomberg Feature and describe it to me.



Phil Reed
TTT specialist business databases

Librarian Data Specialist, The University of Manchester. Supporting teaching, learning and research with financial databases, digital skills and scholarship.