Cooperider around the world

Motorcycling to experience life abundantly

Tony Feghali
Published in
8 min readMay 12, 2020


I had seen him with a dog a few times. He’d grab a coffee, takes a table on the outside terrace overlooking Beirut and reads. What brings this European looking biker to Lebanon? These days and to this Starbucks in particular? What’s his story? I was intrigued.

This was as good a time as any. I approached him. The 5-min conversation became a 3-hour excursion, including coffee, Lebanese red wine, spaghetti bolognese, family, and friends. Ginger, our dog, and Cooper, his, “co-existed” during :-)!

He’s been fascinated with people who traveled, discovered new cultures, and saw raw nature at its best. The photos they shared shaped who he is today. Traveling is part of his raison d’etre. He wants to see the world and its people, to experience earth in its purity.

When I met Julien at Starbucks


In France, it was convenient to take the motorcycling test within five years of taking the one for cars. So, he did, without planning on buying one.

Little decisions can take our lives on a long, impactful, and unexpected trajectories.



Tony Feghali

business coach | educator | entrepreneur | raconteur | baker | biker | rainmaker