RAB Arrests Mitu, the Mastermind Behind Robberies Using Fake RAB Identity

Mitu’s arrest is a significant development in the fight against robbery and impersonation in Bangladesh

Tuhin Sarwar
Tuhin sarwar
2 min readJul 7, 2024


Arrested Fake RAB (POLICE): Hafsa ahmed Mitu

Tuhin Sarwar: Gazippur, Bangladesh-

RAB-1, a Bangladeshi law enforcement agency, has arrested a woman named Hafsa Ahmef Mitu for her involvement in robberies using a fake RAB identity in Gazipur district

Mitu was arrested on Saturday (July 6) from Dhaka’s Dakshin Khan area. The arrest was confirmed on Sunday (July 7) by RAB-1’s Assistant Director (Operations and Media Officer) and Assistant Superintendent of Police Md. Mahfuzur Rahman

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খবর : “RAB পরিচয়ে ১৯ লাখ টাকা ছিনতাইয়ের মূলহোতা মিতু গ্রেফতার”...</p>Posted by <a href="https://www.facebook.com/tuhinjournal">Tuhin Sarwar</a> on&nbsp;<a href="https://www.facebook.com/tuhinjournal/posts/25992212540422132">Sunday, July 7, 2024</a></blockquote></div>

Modus Operandi:

Mitu, along with other gang members, posed as RAB officials and abducted and held hostage three officials of the industrial factory Selvo Chemical Industries Limited in front of Gate №3 of the factory in Gazipur’s Sreepur thana area on Saturday

They then robbed the factory workers of their salaries, bonuses, and truck fares, amounting to Tk 19 lakh 45 thousand

Following the incident, the factory authorities filed a case with Sreepur police station in Gazipur. RAB-1 launched a raid and arrested Mitu, one of the gang’s main members, on the same night

Mitu was already acquainted with Md. Rubel Islam, another arrestee in the robbery case.
Through Rubel, Mitu became involved in the gang’s activities.

Posing as a customer, Mitu would enter banks and observe who was withdrawing large sums of money

She would then identify potential targets and relay the information to the other gang members via phone or messages.

Once the target left the bank with the money, Mitu would follow them and signal to the gang’s lookout men outside

She would also listen attentively to the target’s conversations to understand their route

Mitu’s primary role was to mark targets for the gang and provide them with as much information as possible about the targets.

Previous Arrests:

RAB-1 had previously arrested five people, including the gang’s mastermind, in another raid on June 12. Mitu has been involved in the gang’s activities for a long time.

During initial interrogation, she confessed her involvement in the robbery and her association with the gang. She is currently being handed over to the police station

Significance of the Arrest:

Mitu’s arrest is a significant development in the fight against robbery and impersonation in Bangladesh

It highlights the involvement of women in criminal activities and the need for vigilance by the public



Tuhin Sarwar
Tuhin sarwar

Tuhin Sarwar, a Bangladeshi author, publisher, and journalist, covers various Bangladeshi issues in international media outlets. He lives in Dhaka, Bangladesh.