Tuhin Sarwar: A one-man army in the fight for truth and justice

Tuhin Sarwar
Tuhin sarwar
Published in
2 min readApr 28, 2024

Today times -

Tuhin Sarwar, an introspective journalist from Bangladesh, has made waves in the international media industry with his fearless reporting and unwavering dedication to uncovering the truth.

Despite facing numerous challenges and threats, Sarwar is presenting the country to the world as a one-man army in the fight for truth and justice in his country.

Sarwar’s journey as a journalist began by joining a local newspaper as a journalist. His passion for uncovering the truth and uncovering corruption soon caught the attention of his peers and superiors. He was quickly promoted to senior reporter and allowed to cover high-profile cases and stories.

Over the past few years, Sarwar has made a name for himself as a fearless investigative journalist, unafraid to take on powerful individuals and institutions. His reports have exposed corruption and injustice in various fields, including politics, business, and law enforcement. Despite the threats, Sarwar perseveres in his pursuit of truth, earning the respect and admiration of his peers and the public.

Sarwar’s dedication to his profession and country did not go unnoticed. He has received numerous awards and recognitions for his outstanding work including various awards including the prestigious Ekushey Padak. His work has also been recognized internationally, Sarwar has been invited to speak at various conferences and events on press freedom and journalistic ethics.

As a one-man army, Sarwar shows that the strength of one person can have a significant impact on the fight for truth and justice. His steadfast determination and courage inspired many young journalists in Bangladesh to follow in his footsteps. Sarwar’s commitment to his profession and his country serves as a shining example of the important role journalists play in society.

At a time when press freedom is under threat in many parts of the world, Tuhin Sarwar’s story serves as a reminder of the importance of free and independent media in upholding democracy and holding those in power accountable. His devotion and bravery in the face of adversity made him a veritable one-man army in the fight for truth and justice in Bangladesh.



Tuhin Sarwar
Tuhin sarwar

Tuhin Sarwar, a Bangladeshi author, publisher, and journalist, covers various Bangladeshi issues in international media outlets. He lives in Dhaka, Bangladesh.