How to stop scanning photos and make things easier for you and the family.

Curtis Funk
Tukios Times
Published in
2 min readDec 17, 2016

Back in April 2015 we released a feature in Tukios called Family Photo Upload which allows the family to collect and upload the photos. This not only removes you from the awful task of scanning pictures, but it makes things much more convenient for the family. Over the past 18 months this feature has become a life-saver for many users.

Here’s a common scenario:

They already have their photos digitized, they’re excited that you’re making a memorial video so they start emailing you photos. The problem is most email clients limit the size of files that can fit into a single email. The next thing you know you have 20 emails with 4 photos in each one that you have to download and try and keep organized.

That’s just one situation that a lot of funeral directors are finding themselves in. Sounds pretty annoying right? Well, it’s annoying to the family as well. It’s almost as inconvenient as finding all of their old physical photographs and driving them into the funeral home.

We’re not suggesting you use modern technology to just make your job easier, but make things easier for your clients as well.

With the Family Photo Uploader, they can send photos directly into the video from any computer or mobile device. When you go into the video creator the pictures are there waiting for you. No downloading, no organizing, and no scanning!

Learn how Family Photo Upload works.

