Getting to Know React JS

Khusni Ja'far
Tulisan Khusni
Published in
2 min readMay 23, 2023

React JS, commonly referred to as React, is a popular JavaScript library used for building user interfaces (UI). Developed by Facebook, React has become the go-to choice for many web developers and major tech companies worldwide.

What is React JS?

React JS is a JavaScript library that allows developers to create dynamic and responsive UIs with ease. Using the concept of components, React enables developers to break down the user interface into small, reusable units, making the code structure more organized and easy to understand and develop.

Key Features of React JS


One thing that makes React unique is its use of components. Components are small pieces of code that can be reused in different parts of the application. They are the basic building blocks of a React application and they help in maintaining a neat and maintainable code structure.

Virtual DOM

React utilizes the concept of a Virtual DOM that enables efficient UI changes. Instead of updating the entire web page every time there’s a change, React only updates the parts that have changed. This makes React applications faster and more responsive.


React introduces JSX, a syntax that allows developers to write HTML code within JavaScript. This makes the code structure more intuitive and easy to read, and simplifies the process of creating UIs.

Why Use React JS?

Here are some reasons why React JS is a popular choice:

  1. Speed and efficiency: With the Virtual DOM, React applications can perform UI changes quickly and efficiently.
  2. Reusable components: Reusable components make development faster and code easier to maintain.
  3. Strong community support: Being a product of Facebook, React has the backing of a broad and active developer community. There are plenty of learning resources, tutorials, and additional packages available.
  4. Flexibility: React can be used in conjunction with various other JavaScript libraries and frameworks, like Redux and Next.js, giving developers great flexibility.


React JS is a powerful tool for creating dynamic and responsive user interfaces. With features like reusable components, Virtual DOM, and JSX, React makes it easy for developers to build and maintain complex web applications. With a strong community and numerous learning resources available, it’s no wonder that React is the choice of many web developers around the globe.

