🌱 Slow Living: Embracing a Life of Meaning 🌱

Khusni Ja'far
Tulisan Khusni
Published in
2 min readAug 10, 2023

Have you ever felt that time flies so swiftly that you nearly miss the true beauty and essence of each moment? Or perhaps you often find yourself engulfed in a whirlwind of routines, forgetting how it feels to truly relax? If you answered “yes,” then it might be time for you to discover the concept of “Slow Living.”

The Charm of Slow Living:

  1. 🕰 Time as a Friend, Not Foe: With slow living, we learn to savor each moment without rush. Like relishing a cup of tea while observing the dance of its steam or listening to the rhythm of rain on the window.
  2. 🌳 Reconnecting with Nature: This concept invites us to frequently bond with nature, be it gardening, taking walks in the park, or just sitting beneath the shade of a tree.
  3. 🧘‍♂️ A Life of Deeper Meaning: By minimizing distractions, we can focus on what truly matters in life, such as relationships with our loved ones or chasing our passions.
  4. 🌍 Thinking Green: Slow Living often ties in with responsible and sustainable consumption, encouraging us to choose eco-friendly products and reduce excessive consumption.
  5. 🎨 Unleashing Creativity: Without the pressure to always be “productive,” there’s room to explore hobbies and creativity, whether that’s painting, writing, or cooking.

Starting with Slow Living?

  1. Begin with self-reflection. Ask yourself what truly matters in your life.
  2. Minimize distractions. Try to reduce screen time and engage more in offline activities.
  3. Choose quality over quantity. Be it shopping, choosing friendships, or spending time.
  4. Enjoy the journey, not just the destination. Like when cooking, don’t just focus on the end dish but relish each step.

So, let’s start living at a gentler pace, full of awareness and meaning. Remember, life is not a race but a beautiful journey to be enjoyed. 🍃

