Tulpep: Intel Partner of the Year!!!

Pedro Zea
Published in
2 min readJun 5, 2019

We are so excited! We want to share with you this fantastic recognition, of which you are an essential piece.

Intel recently recognized the outstanding achievements of partners with the distinction of Partner of the Year at its Intel® Partner Connect 2019 conference, held in Denver, Colorado, in March of 2019. Tulpep joined Intel channel leaders for a special awards reception.

The Partner of the Year award honors companies worldwide that employ Intel technologies and solutions while demonstrating excellence in technology platform design and integrated solutions.

We won this distinction in the Client Solution category with our product Vtul!

Vtul is our brand new management experience in which you only need a web browser to manage all your PCs in a centralized way, reducing costs while you get many advanced management capabilities, including some that do not depend on the operating system of the computer, taking advantage of the Intel vPro® technology.

We have the only solution worldwide that can activate and use friendly the Intel vPro® technology easily and from the cloud!!

This award is a recognition of the work we had done for our customers when we decided to develop a solution designed for (and with) you. We thought to deliver a complete, modern and friendly tool, that allows you to take full advantage of the investments you have made in your computers, and empowering your administration taking it to a level beyond, always listening to your feedback.

This award motivates us, even more, to continue working day by day in your needs and satisfaction. We are committed to building solutions that drive your business just where you want it.

Thank you!!!

The Tulpep team.

