New features have landed

Published in
3 min readJun 22, 2020

It’s been a busy few weeks at Tumelo. We’ve been listening to your feedback and have since built features that make your experience even better. Since it’s the first few weeks since launch there’s been a lot of bug fixing, but we’ve also managed to build some new features.

We listened and learned.

You can now tell us why you voted

There is now a comment box that appears once you have voted that allows you to tell your fund manager why you chose that particular outcome. This extra context allows your fund manager to engage with the company in a deeper, more considerate way. This approach will lead to greater change and impact at the company

You can now leave a comment after you have voted.

Let us know how you want us to improve the voting experience.

Showing the industry of every company

Did you know that you can click on a company and get more information about it such as the votes available or a short bio?

Well, we’ve now made this even better by showing the industry of every company available.

You can dive into more information about a company.

Let us know if there is any more information you would like to see.

A bunch of usability improvements

You told us about your problems, and we listened. You can now:

  • removing the need to go through the onboarding more than once (some of you may have been through it a few times!)
  • improving how the platform feels on mobile so that you can cast your vote from anywhere
  • giving our icons a makeover to make the platform sharper
  • a bunch of other small (but annoying!) bugs

Let us know if you spot any other bugs.

Some behind the scenes work to build more dynamic features

We’ve been hard at work behind the scenes to make the vote data more usable and more secure. This allows us to build more dynamic features for you in the future. Look out for new features that help shape the community such as:

  • The total number of votes cast on the platform (updating in real-time!)
  • The most popular votes
  • The most controversial votes

Let us know how you would like us to grow the community and impact.

Updating the dashboard with no downtime

Sometimes when we pushed an update to your platform, it stopped working meaning we only performed maintenance late in the evening! Now, we can update it at any time with no effect to you, the users. This means more features more regularly!

If there is anything else that is causing you problems or anything else you would like us to build then feel free to let us know.

See you at the next release!



Editor for

Co-founder at Tumelo. Cambridge alumni. Fintech enthusiast.