Our first week being live

Published in
2 min readJun 22, 2020

We launched! In the week since launch we’ve been releasing new features that bring you closer to the impact your votes have been having. As it’s week 1, we’ve also been fixing all the bugs you’ve reported!

See how your colleagues have voted

You can now see how your colleagues voted on a particular vote. This information is available on the vote results page. In the future, we plan on bringing this more to the forefront showing you which are the most popular or the most controversial votes!

See how your colleagues have voted.

Got any other ideas? Let us know.

See why a fund manager voted a particular way

Once you’ve voted, your fund manager casts the legal vote at the company’s AGM. You can now see the justification for why the fund manager voted a particular way from the vote results page.

See how and why your fund manager has voted.

Got any other ideas? Let us know.

Sign up page improvements

Some of you had trouble signing up fo the first time so we switched some things around. There’s now:

  • more information in the confirmation code email
  • a clearer sign up button
  • a more controlled way of requesting a new confirmation code

More dynamic information

Currently, the information on the dashboard is updated infrequently. Bit by bit, we’re moving over to a more dynamic model that allows you to see new votes or vote results as soon as the information is available.

Let us know which information is most important to get quickly.

You spotted some bugs so we fixed them

Nobody’s perfect, and we are no exception! However, we hope our reputation will be built off how quickly we can fix the issues you spot. Last week we fixed:

  • A pesky issue that showed “-1 days remaining” on certain votes
  • Some tweaks to the “Practise vote” experience you went through when you first signed up that make the experience more intuitive to new users.
  • Some general “beautifying” such as colour changes, title alignments and button positioning!

If there is anything else you spot that’s bugging you, let us know.

See you at the next release!



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Co-founder at Tumelo. Cambridge alumni. Fintech enthusiast.