Releasing macOS app on GCP— Part 1

Margaryta Chepiga
Published in
3 min readDec 30, 2019

This is the first part of the series, you can find the rest below:


You use:

  • Google Cloud Platform (gcp) for backend services
  • Gitlab for you code repository
  • Bitrise for your continuous integration and deployment

You are releasing:

  • macOS app

Please note: You can follow most of the tutorial as you releasing iOS app, but the tutorial doesn’t cover an iOS app example.

How to create a bucket on GCP

Let’s assume you don’t have a storage bucket, in this case, you would need to create it. We need to create a bucket so that we can store our app executable there.

Start by proceeding to your gcp account, from there proceed to the Storage, as showed on the screenshot below:

Once you are there, click on Create Bucket button:

That will bring you to the Create a bucket page, which looks like this:

Provide a name for your bucket, it should be lowercased. You can check google bucket naming guidelines here.

I will name mine with the name of the application I want to release, and then click on Continue:

Next step is to choose where to store your data, I choose Region since it’s the cheapest option available 😅, then click on Continue :

Next step is to choose a default storage class, here you need to decide depending on your case. I simply picked Standard:

Next, is to choose how to control access to objects. I picked Fine-grained so I can provide the specific permissions to each individual user myself. Which ended up being a perfect case for me.

Next, and last step in our bucket creation is to simply accept the default and finally click on that bright blue-coloured Create button 😏

Congratulations you created your first ever bucket! Pretty easy, huh?

Now, you can move to the second part of these series.



Margaryta Chepiga
Writer for

Software Developer, known as overexcited girl who is passionate about technology