Being a mum is a superpower

Renice Owino
Tunapanda Institute
3 min readFeb 6, 2019
A woman carrying a baby

I know the title sounds crazy but it’s true that being a mum is a superpower. I hate to brag, but I am a superhero; maybe not your favourite superhero but someone else’s hero. Being a mum is about juggling between your kids, your work and your life. How can this be possible without superpowers?

Most mums don’t use their powers at workplaces, but they come handy when you are around your kids.

Some superpowers that mums possess include:

  • Food Source

For almost 2 years mums act as the food source for their kids, and the kids enjoy the milk they are offered until they outgrow breastfeeding.

  • Extra strength

The ability to carry kids, shopping bags, handbags, and bag packs for long distances without getting tired.

  • Supersonic hearing

The ability to know what your kid is up to by the noises they make or by the silence that surrounds them.

  • Speaking baby language

Being able to have a conversation with your kid and responding to their talks is a great power.

  • Kisses that stop cries and heal bruises

The best way to stop a baby from crying is by using the kisses superpower, where you cover their face with kisses. This works pretty well for me.

  • Finding lost things.

As a mum, I have to know where everything is — even things that may seem meaningless as a bottle top.

  • Lie detectors

The ability to detect when a kid is lying and when he is telling the truth is one of the greatest powers a mum owns, and how to react when a kid is lying.

  • Fighting monsters that are under the bed and in the dark

Kids are afraid of the monsters that are always in the dark and under their beds and have a superhero you have to fight the bad monsters

  • Calendar

The ability to organize everything in the family and remember everyone's birthdays and anniversaries.

  • Source of entertainment

When the kids are bored nothing cheers them up like funny dances and songs that their mums perform for them.

  • Healers

Mums have the power to detect fever, flu, and stomachaches and the ability to make them go away.

There are so many powers that mums have that I have not mentioned. Motherhood is the sweetest hood that I have been to so far, it's a full-time job that doesn't pay but the joy it brings is priceless.

I became a Mum on 26th August 2018, I was the happiest person in the world, I knew the responsibilities that awaited me but I focused on the positive side. Growing up I always looked up to my mum, she was my superhero, I was always impressed by how she juggled her family life and work life. Too bad she is not here to see me through this motherhood journey but I know she is proud of the mother I have become. R.I.P Mama. You would have been an amazing grandma.

If I was to choose a superhero name I would choose “Mum” so that each time my kid needs to call a hero he would just shout “MUM” and I will know it's hero time and switch into my custom and rush to save him.

To those who have estranged relationships with your mums, I am sorry and hope things work out for you. To mums out there that feel overwhelmed I am sending you hugs may everything work out for you and may your kids always shower you with love and affection.

That’s all for today, see you guys in the next article.

