Hello World

Renice Owino
2 min readFeb 28, 2018


Hello, people of Medium, my name is Renice (just like the Unix command renice)who doesn’t like Unix, anyway, everyone has their own preferences when it comes to operating systems let’s leave that for another day.

I am a self-motivated individual with a passion for diligently contributing towards enhancing emerging trends in Information Technology in nation development by upholding professionalism, team spirit, transparency and accountability.

I work at Tunapanda Institute, where every day is tech day, and learning new things is the norm. I joined Tunapanda as a trainee back then in October 2015 and after the training, I joined the 8-month apprenticeship program where I got to advance my skills(Programming) and practiced training other people about Tech, Design, and Business. Tunapanda is a place where I found people with the same mindset and interests.

Tunapandanet training

Tunapanda has an initiative called Tech Dada that teaches young girls about Tech. The initiative is a fun and interactive program where i get to interact with young ladies who have a passion for tech. I have facilitated various Tech Dada training and sessions. My main goal in life is always to inspire more girls to join STEM-related courses and careers, this is because where I come from most girls have a notion that Tech is a male thing hence they shy away from tech. If we empower our ladies to join the Tech world then we will be solving the issue of having fewer women in tech. I have come to learn that there are many young ladies who are interested in tech, but they lack mentors and people to guide them.

Tech Dada career day in Turkana County

