Hello, world!

Dena Blaze
Tunapanda Institute
1 min readFeb 22, 2018

Hello world and the universe beyond, my name is Dena.

From the heart of Nairobi, Kenya is where you’ll find me, casually ‘geeking’ around technology and design in general.

Over the years, tech advancement has revolutionary changed how we view or tackle problems. Just recently old sci-fi movies are turning into reality, from self driving cars to AIs that will aid in almost anything you think of. The world is changing, and it would be weird even if your still living under a rock not be versant with the ongoing trends.

Ever since I decided to be in the welcoming comittee of technology it has really simplified where-possible my daily processes, and still provide a platform using design for my imagination to be actualised. Maintaining an open mind could be the secret to tackling problems or getting out of tough situations. With that I believe you’ll eventually learn more, do more, and, actually accomplish more.

