How to Handle Negative Attitude

Jacky letty
Tunapanda Institute
3 min readFeb 28, 2019

Negative attitude is the feeling or manner that is not constructive, or person who is pessimistic, or someone who sees everything to be impossible (how you face trouble/challenges).

Attitude is everything.

For example, there were three girls from Kamkunji one day. They met an old man selling oranges on a sunny day. The man asked the girls to join him in selling the oranges but one of the girls said: “how can we sell oranges on this hot sun who will buy the oranges?”. The other two girls responded to her, saying: “if this man has been selling the oranges why can’t we? They continued, “we think it’s better if we try rather than to give up.” The old man was very happy to hear the two girls were eager to help. The old man said, “It’s good to have a positive mind in everything you do in life because nothing comes easy.”

From this story, we see that one girl had a negative attitude but the rest were ready to give it a try. In our daily lives, we meet people with negative attitudes from school to home.

Here are a few steps on how you can avoid falling a victim of negative attitude:

  1. Take control of your action. You can try to be positive starting from how you think and how you face challenges by trying not to give up easily. Instead, try to give in and see how things will turn out to be.
  2. Respond to change. Meeting a negative person with a positive attitude will help solve the situation faster. For example, if you step on someone on a matatu and they speak to you with anger with a negative attitude, face them with a nice apology and they will understand and reduce their anger.
  3. Limit negative people in your life. The best way to handle a negative friend or family member is when they say their negative staff just view them as positive and this will work.
  4. Don’t hold a grudge. When you forgive people let it go. If you hold it your heart you will notice that when you see these people, you won’t want to listen to them. But if you if you let it go, you will be able to learn a lot from them. For example, when you don’t like a teacher in your school when he/she comes to teach you will not understand and you end up failing in school.
  5. Accept that nothing is perfect. When you accept that nothing is perfect, you will be able to know that even if you do a mistake you can learn from your mistakes and try again. Whenever bad things happen, don’t panic. Instead, think of how you can improve or make it better.



Jacky letty
Tunapanda Institute

I am a graphic designer who believes that you can communicate using the visual illustration.