How you can build trust through communication

Jacky letty
Tunapanda Institute
2 min readNov 2, 2018

Trust is earned and broken by small things we do on a daily basis. Perhaps at our homes or workplaces depending on how we communicate. The most important element to keeping a healthy and fulfilling relationship, both at work and at home is trust and communication. Here are some tips of how you can build trust and communication in your environment.

1. Communicate with transparency

Transparency brings people together and it allows the relationship to mature faster, hence reduce misunderstanding when working as a team. It is good to hope that the people who surround you have no hidden agendas. For example, in Tunapanda when we are working on a project, everyone is allowed to give feedback on what they feel is not right and how it can be improved to make the project better. By this, we build stronger relationships by helping each other improve and making sure that the project is done well and every team member is comfortable.

2. Tell the truth with compassion

Most of the time speaking the truth is hard because as humans we fear rejection. For example, when you are on a team of programmers and you mess up one line of a code and everything fails it is good to be honest and say it was your fault. This saves time as the team can easily identify the problem.

3. Ask and receive feedback

No matter how perfect you feel about yourself there are some people who’ll think you are doing it the wrong way. As human we are always happy when people tell us about the good things we do and we feel bad when they tell us about the negative things. One way to get feedback is to search for a braintrust (someone who’d like to see you succeed) and ask them for both positive and constructive feedback and how you can implement the feedback.

4. Don’t over promise

Once you promise someone about something, you are held responsible regardless. It is always advisable to do what you say you will do and keep your word. Once you lie to a client or a friend you lose the trust that he/she had in you. And if it is a client, they will say how unreliable your company is.

5. Treat others how you would like to be treated

How’d you want to be treated at a workplace? Or how’d you want to be treated at a salon? If you’d like to be respected and be treated with dignity then it’s high time you start to treat people likewise. The practice of empathy helps people to see peoples’ problems with a different perspective and provide an effective solution.



Jacky letty
Tunapanda Institute

I am a graphic designer who believes that you can communicate using the visual illustration.