Is Our Reality Boring?

Dena Blaze
Tunapanda Institute
2 min readApr 16, 2018

Once again hello to you random person reading this article/story/post. Welcome and feel at home depending on which part of the world you are in as we s̶p̶e̶a̶k̶. I am honestly not sure of how to refer to this so I’ll just call it a movie. So if the intro wasn’t weird enough behold you are now reading a movie.

Produced and written by me then obviously watched by you. Grab your popcorn, drinks or favorite snacks then dim the lights as you sit back and enjoy this ride. If you expect some Oscar worthy performance from this movie I guess you are in the right place. Side note: I was to get serious into the topic in this paragraph but seems like I’ll have to move it to paragraph 3. Hope you are still there :)

As I’m writing this, yesterday I got to geek around for the second time with Virtual Reality or the famous VR which I’m assuming most of you have heard of. I was using the Oculus Rift! which honestly has a name that sounds like a Greek god or something.

Image Source: Google

Virtual reality is using computers to simulate reality. So I can be seated at home and I strap on my desired VR headset then BOOM! I’m somewhere in the south pole playing cricket with some penguins (that’s if the world is a globe).

Anyway, VR tech is not only for fun but you can use it as a learning tool also. Any doctor reading this post? Anatomy can be studied with ease using VR tech.

Is there a graffiti artist in the house? You can use VR to create your awesome wall arts, no more running from the cops or trying to make art in the middle of the night (if street art is banned in your area).

3D designers, engineers, teachers, ladies, and gentlemen the possibilities are endless! This is not one of those marketing things. In fact I strongly believe that headsets should be available almost everywhere so everyone can get the chance to experience this awesome reality.

Sadly part one of the movie is about to end and as I sign off in this post credits …

To be continued.

