Programming is the new superpowers

With great power comes great responsibility. ― Stan Lee

Anwar Magara
Tunapanda Institute
2 min readMay 6, 2019


Photo credits: Topsimages

Hello, word… This is one of the most popular statement in the world known by programmers all over the world. It was almost every programmer’s first program.

In the 21st century, most of our lives are being run by technology/software. The smartphones that we all use and enjoy, banking systems, television sets, social media (twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc..), farming to mention just a few are all in a way or another powered by software. It doesn't matter in what area you operate in, everything has been overrun by software.

The following are some of the ways that technology can make you possess superpowers and change the world while you are at it.

Using technology to solve problems.

Problem-solving is a superpower, and it turns out that a lot of programming involves problem-solving, so in a sense, you could say that programming is a bit of a super-power.

Problems are all around us, and this might give you an idea that could make your daily life simpler. So many successful apps and platforms out there have been built just because their builders wanted to solve a small problem they faced in their daily lives.

Building Programs that predict certain patterns.

Data science has become one of the hottest topics in the 21st century. Some of the global enterprises like YouTube uses data science algorithm to predict users next song or video. To top it all of, most data scientist in the world earn millions of dollars yearly and live luxurious life just like Bruce Wayne.

Programs that work with hardware

Imagine that you have the power to control any electronic hardware from any part of the world. Now stop imaging because you can do all that.

Internet of things (IOT) help electronic devices with internet connectivity interact with each other over the Internet, and they can be remotely monitored and controlled.

Build Artificial intelligence

This is the ability that a computer is given to reason, discover meaning, generalize, or learn from past experience. Although people often have negative impressions about AI tools due to a lack of understanding it is an interesting field to explore.


Although it might seem simple, there is a lot you need to put in. Programming is not easy, it takes lots of self-evaluation and patience. Be mentally prepared because there are no shortcuts in learning to program. if you are interested in programming practice daily.

With the ability to code, you’ll have the power to change the world!



Anwar Magara
Tunapanda Institute

Front-end web engineer | Trainee | Graphic designer | Photographer