Patrick Patrick N
Tunapanda Institute
3 min readFeb 28, 2019

The human race runs through stories. They create our reality of the way we as individuals see the world. They make us sad, happy and they inspire us. Every day most people try to leave behind different stories as much as they can.

Image credits: SimpleShow

Probably by now, you have read a lot of stories. From when you were young to where you are now. Scary ones, the ones that excite you and maybe motivational stories. You too have a story to tell whether it is about your past or describing your future. But the most important thing I want you to know is stories can destroy you or build you. It all depends on how you tell your story or how you want your story to be told.

One of the major things people do wrong in their stories is focusing more on how to start their stories and not thinking how to end them. I guarantee you, knowing how you want your story to end really makes it easy to start.

A friend of mine in college right now studying electrical engineering told me that he was raised by his grandparents all his life. One week after he was born his mother got sick and was admitted to a local hospital. So his mother was under medication and that meant that she wasn’t going to breastfeed her baby — story he was told by her grandmother when he was old enough to understand things. So the doctors had no hopes of this newborn surviving. So they requested the grandparents to take the baby and go home. Two weeks later the mother was at least well enough and strong so she was discharged. She never returned home to see how the baby was doing, so she went to a far state away from her parents home. The newborn baby grew unhealthy skinny and miserable. Now here is the most important part of the story, the grandmother chose to believe in her own story and not the stories the doctors were trying to make, of the baby not going to survive. Instead, she believed that the baby was going to have a different story of his own. She continued feeding the baby and within a month the baby was well presentable and strong. She took the baby to the same doctors who said the baby would not live and they did not believe their eyes.

15 years later the boy's grandparents decided to hand over the story to the boy who was abandoned by her mother and they told him to either continue with the dead story or life story. And the boy decided to energize the life story and wanted everyone who knew him to know a different story. He was more obedient and a lot of people liked how he was growing clever. Grew up in an environment where youths were addicted to drugs and killed over theft cases, But he chose to write a “life” story.

This is what I wanted you to know about storytelling, you already have a story whether you are aware or not, it's up to you to change what people already know about you. It’s only through a story that you can be helped or help someone, and change your story and your life will start to change.

Do not tell people of who you used to be. Rather tell them of who you are right at the moment and who you want to be in the future.



Patrick Patrick N
Tunapanda Institute

I’m a web designer and a graphic designer. I am a dreamer and a fanatic of all digital things.