Sales 101: Basic Sales Knowledge

Renice Owino
Tunapanda Institute
2 min readMar 2, 2019

I have always had problems sending emails to clients in regards to a service we are offering. Having to convince someone about a service can be really challenging but with the right steps, it can be as easy as ABC.

Photo by oldskool photography on Unsplash

Today I was able to attend a sales training workshop at Tunapanda Institute that was facilitated by Mick Larson whereby I got to learn 6 steps of sending a sales email.

The session was very educative and I had lots of take homes from the session and I also got to identify what I should improve on when sending out sales emails

The six steps that you should follow while sending a sales email are:

  1. Greet: Make sure to greet the client, this is a form of good manners.
  2. Remind them where you met: If you met before, make sure to mention where you met them, this helps with creating a perfect mood.
  3. Show them that you understand their problems: This is like the problem statement of the email. You clearly indicate the problem that you noticed during your previous conversation. If you did not talk about the problem you can carefully and craftily create a problem that most people in his or her situation go through.
  4. Tell the story of a new reality: After showing the potential client that you understand the problem, in this step, you paint a clear picture of how your services will make his or her life much better.
  5. Sell the features: In this step, sell the ideas of the product you are selling that he or she can have a clear picture of the benefits of having the product. For example. With this pen, the ball pen is steady but fast making your handwriting legible but you don’t spend as much time in writing.
  6. Set Next Actions: Clearly indicate what are the next steps after this email. This gives a clear directive on what the client can do in order to benefit from the painting you created for him or her of the new reality. For example, we can set up a meeting next week on Wednesday to discuss the next steps of our partnership.

There is a possibility of getting clients and closing deals if you follow the six steps above.

Below are some of the characteristics of a great salesperson:

  1. Ability to listen
  2. Networking ability
  3. Resilience
  4. Communication skills
  5. Honesty
  6. Patience

The list is quite long so I have just mentioned a few.

