Tunapanda Institute @ 3: Celebration Of Tunapanda’s 3rd Year Anniversary

Tunapanda Institute
Tunapanda Institute
2 min readAug 31, 2017

Tunapanda Institute has been supporting young people turning their dreams to reality for young people in Kibera for three years! Great achievement for Tunapanda Institute former trainees, current trainees, alumni, and trainers! The main reason behind the institution’s existence is to train young people in East Africa in practical tech, design, and busines skillss. On 30th August 2017, Tunapanda Institute celebrated their third year anniversary at the institution’s main building in Kibera.

Speeches were made by different people who once attended the Tunapanda’s programs; each cohort was represented by a single spokesman. Alumni made their speeches of motivation to current cohort training. Jay and Mick also made their speeches: the challenges they faced, their best moments at Tunapanda Institute. The celebration was enhanced by the plentifulness of food; sausages, burgers, and a BIG cake. Ooh, and the celebration did not end there! loud victorious music fuelled the party mode at the moment. Color fest joined! this was the best moment, coloring Mick and Jay with the cake was a nice one, coloring our alumni, trainees and trainers were a nice one too.

Tunapanda Institute will continue spreading the gospel to young people around the world. So far we have graduated more than 100 young people for the last three years. And we are still dedicated to powering more and more and more young people with digital skills to make them long term learners, earners, and problem solvers.



Tunapanda Institute
Tunapanda Institute

Bridging Digital Divides. We teach tech, design and business skills to increase income and personal freedom through self-expression.