Hello, world!

Wendy Mwangi
Tunapanda Institute
1 min readFeb 7, 2019

Well, this is new…. I’m not a chatty character neither a writing person but guess what? Everything has a start and who knows? The first time can be a charm.

So, I’m guessing this is the part where I will be like HELLO, WORLD! and tell you all about myself, uh? That can be a little tricky because it’s still a puzzle to me.

But here goes nothing… Hello, I’m Wendy Mwangi, a Tunapanda Institute graduate. I graduated from Tunapanda in 2017 from the 5th cohort and became an apprentice where I train and learn more. Tunapanda Institute is a non-profit organization that trains young people in practical technology, design, and business. The team basically teaches computer programming, film production, web design, 3D printing and a lot more within a 3-month intensive training.

Tunapanda has made me who I am today. Groomed me from a whining, introvert and low-esteem kid to the woman I am today. Well, I’m still struggling from being an introvert but I’m in the right track of becoming a more social and open person.

Tunapanda helped me choose a career path which at first was in darkness. Now I can proudly stand and say I’m passionate about graphic and web design. So, Yay! Thanks, Tunapanda Institute.

