Alex Oburu
Published in
2 min readOct 6, 2017



Image: Pixabay

Sickness is described as the state of being ill. People tend to fall sick from time to time and it’s very hard to predict when and at what exact time. Sickness is one of the elements that are associated with the reduction of an employee’s productivity. Handling sick employees will affect the company’s production at the moment and also after the period of ailing.

Employees need to be treated with love compassion and kindness from the organization. This makes them feel that the organization values them hence it will improve the organisation’s productivity afterwards.

During the period of sickness, communication is very important and it’s urged that there should be clear and proper channels outlaid in the organization. This will ensure that the intentions are not misinterpreted either on the employee or the company’s side. This channel will ensure that the employee know who to communicate to when he/she falls sick.

It’s been a week and I was having shortness of breath mixed with chest pain. As usual I thought that it was a small fever that would depart with time, but this time it persisted. I had to seek medical attention but on the other hand I still had to execute the duties that I was assigned that were cutting through different departments. If I didn’t turn up, the departments would have been pushed to the wall leaving them with no choice other than hiring another person at an extra cost. This means that the time and resources would be wasted. This was not the case in my situation due to crystal clear channels that are used in Tunapanda Institute. I communicated to Jay Larson [The co-founder of Tunapanda Institute.] about the situation, “I don’t feel well, can I be allowed to go and seek medical services tomorrow?” “You can go now if you have to.” he replied.

Most of the company’s focus is on the machines which they are employing; they give the machine everything to ensure that they produce exactly what they want. This is a fallacy as the machines cannot operate on their own. “Success in business is all about people, people and people. Whatever the industry the company is in, its employees are its biggest competitive advantage,” Stated by Richard Branson. The way a company treats it employees is an instruction on how they should treat the clients. Apart from sickness, it is necessary for a company to look for other areas that affect their employee’s well being. As an employer always remember that: “IF YOU TRAIN YOUR EMPLOYEES SO WELL THEY CAN LEAVE, BUT IF YOU TREAT THEM WELL THEY WON’T HAVE A REASON TO.”

