Happiness is So Much More Than A Mindset

It’s a harmonious state of existence; it’s our natural existence.

Laura Jane Haver
Tune Into Your Vibe


Photo by Zac Durant on Unsplash

So many of us are taught that happiness is a mindset. We are told to “think” our happiness into existence.

Sounds super easy, right?

Probably not, because there is a wrinkle in this theory — or should I say giant hole? This practice leaves out all of our energetic layers that create our human essence. What about our heart, body, and spirit energy? We wouldn’t even be here on Earth trying to figure out how on Earth to be happy, without those divine energies giving us life.

Your heartaches? Your body is in dis~ease? Your spirit is suppressed? Just use your mind to trick yourself into believing the pain doesn’t exist.

Nah… let’s do the inner-work and tune-in deeply instead.

I’m here to tell you that happiness is SO much more than our mindset — so freakin’ much more.

We’re multi-dimensional energetic beings with an extremely powerful mind that can work with us, or against us. There is a higher consciousness that we have to tap into in order to master and shift our thoughts, so our thoughts work for us and not against us.



Laura Jane Haver
Tune Into Your Vibe

Align with your true soul calling — your true north — and manifest a life of alignment, authenticity, and ultimate freedom.