Sovereignty is Our Magic and Birthright, As Powerful Alchemists

It’s Time to Take Our Power Back.

Laura Jane Haver
Tune Into Your Vibe


Photo my Laura Jane Haver @ Tune Into Your Vibe

Reconnecting with our sovereignty is so critical right now during such a chaotic time in our world — a time that has attempted to rip us apart from our personal power and free-will.

Sovereignty lives within us, not outside of us like we have been programmed to believe. It’s way too easy to tune~out by seeking & absorbing “wisdom” and “knowledge” outside of ourselves, when it actually lives within us.

We truly do have all the power to “see” the truth around us and create a life of abundant soul-alignment, yet we have been conditioned to believe we are totally limited in a “limited” 3D reality. We have been programmed to see our reality through the lens of scarcity, fear, and “trusted” authority.

We have been raised and taught that life is all about seeking comfort and “stability”. We have been told to give up our dreams in exchange for the status quo, and to live our life striving for external validation and approval. Our egos believe our value equals our on-paper performance.

We are still carrying perceived limitations and holding onto outdated patriarchal systems passed down from generations.



Laura Jane Haver
Tune Into Your Vibe

Align with your true soul calling — your true north — and manifest a life of alignment, authenticity, and ultimate freedom.