The signage you chose for your business will impact growth in a number of ways. Think about it. Your marketing strategies, advertising campaigns, and even the people you target are, in some way, influenced by your signage. Therefore, one of the biggest you have to make when it comes down to what your signs look like is whether you choose to illuminate them or not.

Aside from one option having internal lighting, there are differences between illuminated vs. non-illuminated signage that you need to know about before making your final decision. To help you make the right choice, here is everything you need to consider about illuminated vs. non-illuminated signage.

About Illuminated Signs

Illuminated signs are billboards, displays, and other forms of signage that come with an internal light source. Usually, local building and sign code will enforce the level of brightness and other elements of illuminated signs, depending on your location.

Illuminated signs come in a number of styles, including:

  • Monument signs — freestanding signs that are mounted to pillars. When internally illuminated, the electrical components are housed within the structure itself or mounted to the surface.
  • Channel letter signs — dimensional signs in the shape of letters that can be mounted and illuminated a number of ways, including the popular halo lit style.
  • Directional/Navigational signs — LED elements can be added to the cabinet (or box) to light up parts of the sign or the whole thing, making it more visible throughout day and night.
  • Electronic message centers and LED readerboards — can be in the form of monument signs, freestanding, or mounted to walls. Like a TV screen, these are usually internally illuminated and will display bright images and other news throughout the day.

In order to make a sign light up, sign manufacturers use the following state-of-the-art equipment and materials:

  • Light-Emitting Diodes (LED) — cost-effective, bright, and available in numerous colors, LED is a trustworthy and highly reliable source of illumination that can be operated 24/7.
  • Fluorescent bulbs — you can use T12 residential fluorescent bulbs, T5 small bulbs, or the energy-saving T8 commercial bulbs.
  • Computerized equipment for channel letters — to make crisp, clean designs, manufacturers will use machines that can cut letters and logos to your exact specifications, ensuring that everything looks amazing when it is all aglow.

Depending on your design and needs, you can choose various lighting elements, such as neon over LED. Feel free to discuss your options with us.

Benefits of Illuminated Signage

Here are the benefits of using illuminated signage:

  • Increased visibility throughout the day
  • Increased reach of marketing campaigns due to increased visibility
  • Easily catches the attention of target customers and passerby
  • More visible over extended distances than non-illuminated signs and cut through inclement weather, including fog and rain
  • Can be utilized indoors as emergency signs, LED displays, and as art

About Non-Illuminated Signs

Unlike illuminated signs, non-illuminated signage lacks an internal light source. However, that doesn’t mean they cannot be lit up. You merely have to use an external light, such as a spotlight, to brighten the sign. However, non-illuminated signs use the same materials as illuminated signs, especially in terms of metal frames, acrylic faces, and other elements, such as colors, shapes, and sizes.

Non-illuminated signs can also be designed to enhance their appearance during the night, using contrasting colors or certain films to change the color of the sign in different levels of light.

Benefits of Non-Illuminated Signage

Let’s have a look at the benefits of non-illuminated signs:

  • Budget-friendly signage options, since they do not use an electric to operate
  • Flexible style and design options, including an array of colors, fonts, sizes, and shapes
  • Ideal for businesses that operate on a 9–5 schedule
  • Look sleek and professional, both indoors and outdoors
  • Can be used as directional signage and for temporary promotions
  • Easy to maintain and relocate

Differences Between Illuminated and Non-Illuminated Signs

As you should now know, the main difference between illuminated vs. non-illuminated signage is whether they can be illuminated internally or not. Illuminated signs use everything from internal wires and LED bulbs to neon tubing to brighten up the sign and surroundings, while non-illuminated signs have nothing to internally light up.

The main advantage illuminated signs have over non-illuminated signs is the ability to be see clearly both day and night. Illuminated signs can be more advantageous to businesses that run 24-hours, since the lit sign makes them more visible to passerby. Some areas do not allow for illuminated signs, however. Keep that in mind as you shop around.

Additionally, businesses need to consider cost of professional maintenance and operation. Illuminated signs require a bit more upkeep, since electrical components can malfunction, and bulbs can burn out. While running an LED sign is relatively cheap, other signs that use neon can be costly to run for prolonged periods. Conversely, non-illuminated signs are much easier to maintain.

To Light or Not To Light?

In the end, choosing non-illuminated or illuminated signage comes down to two key things: Does the local government allow for illuminated signs in your area? And if so, do you feel like paying for the additional cost of illuminated signage? Other than that, you can choose between aesthetics and design.

Regardless of which option you select, professionally crafted signage is going to be a defining element to your business. It will attract customers and boost income in no time. Choose a manufacturer who focuses on the quality of their materials and carefully constructed designs.

If you are ready to talk more about getting an illuminated or non-illuminated sign for your business, fill out the contact form! We will send more information straight to your inbox.

