Signs are an all-important component in branding. Choosing the right kind of lighting, however, can be challenging. Channel letters, for example, can either a compliment to your storefront or business and get you more customers when made well. Poorly made channel letter signs or bad designs will have the opposite effect on your business.

So how exactly do you customize channel letters to suit your business? How do you make the right choices?

Since LED channel letters can be personalized a number of ways to suit your needs, you need to consider a number of things. Here is a quick guide to help you design beautiful LED channel letters that accent your business and get you the attention your business deserves.

Benefits of Channel Letter Signs

Let’s have a look at some reasons why channel letter signage may be right for your business. Channel letter signs have clear advantages when compared to other sign styles:

  • Visibility: Channel letter signs are very visible, especially when they are illuminated.
  • Durability: The aluminum and acrylic that channel letters are made out of is very durable. You can expect channel letter signs to hold up in all kinds of weather for many years.
  • Impact: Channel letter signs are all about making a powerful statement. Using this kind of signage is sure to attract a lot of attention.
  • Energy Efficient: LED is one way to go green and ensure that you won’t be replacing light bulbs any time soon. You can save a lot on your electric bill by switching to LED channel letter signs.
  • Bright and Eye-Catching: With a creative design, bright LED lights, and proper placement, channel letter signage is an attractive feature to any storefront or interior wall.
  • Customization: There are thousands of combinations when it comes to channel letter signs. The flexibility and variety is what makes them a wonderful choice for all kinds of businesses.
  • Longevity: The durability and energy-efficiency of LED channel letter signs means you can expect to have these signs around for many years.

Types of Channel Letter Signs

There are four main types of channel letter signs that you can purchase. Here are some details about each kind of LED channel letter style:

Front Lit Channel Letters

The most common type of channel letters is the front-lit variety. These are easy to see both day and night. LED light is placed on the front of the light and shine through clear, white, or colored acrylic faces.

Halo Lit Channel Letters

Also called “reverse lit” these channel letters are a crisp, clean look. The LED light is placed behind a solid metal face, so the glow is emitted from the back of the letter and outward, creating a “halo” around the edges of the letter.

Combination Lit Channel Letters

As you can probably guess, combination lit channel letters are a fusion of front and reverse lit channel letters. Both sides of the channel letter have acrylic faces that let the illumination shine, while the framing is made of aluminum. These are very popular in terms of lighting.

Open Face Channel Letters

Similar to a halo lit channel letter sign, open face is made completely out of transparent acrylic. However, unlike other variants of channel letters, open face uses neon tubing instead of LED most often.

Customization Guide For LED Channel Letters

Knowing the advantages of channel letters and the different type options available to you is key to choosing the right style and design. Now, you need to consider how you want to customize your signage. While you might be tempted to make the most stylized sign around, choosing elements that are tasteful, professional, and match your brand image is the best practice.

Think carefully about your brand, your mission, and your overall image. You may have to do research about your competition to see some decent examples of channel letters. Also, signage experts are happy to offer advice if you have trouble coming up with a design.

Here are the essential design factors and how to use them:


One thing you need to be careful about is the proportionality of the sign. You don’t want it to be too big or too small. Think about where the sign is going to be located, how far from the road you are, and what the regulations for signage are in your area. Calculating the ideal size for your sign should always be the first time, because that will ultimately determine the dimensions (thickness, height, and width of the letters) of the entire design.

Secondly, consider the spacing of your letters, since this can change the size of the letters as well. Do you want them close together or farther apart? The effect of some lighting options, like reverse lit letters, will change depending on the space between your channel letter signs.


Traditionally, channel letter signs are cut individually, with each letter being its own unit. Other elements can also be added, including your logo, if you have one, or more stylized pieces. For example, you might see a channel letter sign where all the letters are a single section and illuminated from the back. Since aluminum and acrylic can be cut into virtually any shape you want, there are no limits.


Some businesses prefer a very stylized font of their channel letters, but that is usually when that signage is used more for decoration than anything else. You want your signage to be legible, more often than not. Also, consider consistency. If your brand continuously uses the same fonts for your logo and packaging, you might want to use the same font (or something similar) for your channel letter signage.


Mounts are crucial for customization. Depending on the type of mount you get for your channel letters, such as direct mounting or raceway mounting, the look and feel of the sign will change. You will need to double check with the building regulations if you want to go for a flush mount, because many landlords do not like that kind of mount.


Acrylic comes in dozens of colors — so use it well! You can also choose a rainbow of colors for your signage, if desired. Also, LED bulbs and neon can add more color to the channel letters. That said, consider your brand identity, your local, and the overall theme of your business. The color should match your brand. It should also make your sign more visible and legible from a distance.

Also, you want to ensure the colors of the sign don’t blend into the surroundings. Pay attention to the building color, too.


Adding images to your channel letters is an excellent way to add character to an otherwise plain spread of letters. You can get your logo, for example, to be put between two lines of words. This will help increase brand recognition and identity. Think of it as a one time investment for life-long advertising.

Final Thoughts on Customizing LED Channel Letters

Customizing your LED channel letter signage does not mean a design free-for-all. You need to tailor the signs to your business image by matching your style. Consider your options carefully, make several designs, and choose the one that speaks to you the most.

Do you have questions about channel letter signage that weren’t answered in this article? Need help your sign design? Fill out the contact form to get in contact with us! We are happy to help.

