A vehicle wrap is a particular type of business sign, and it’s one that uses a unique method. Instead of placing the sign on a pole or platform, some prefer to cover a vehicle with advertisements. This is usually done with a custom-made sheet of vinyl decals.

You have certainly seen these kinds of promotional vehicles out on the road. Whether it’s a van emblazoned with the logo of a soft drink or a work truck with a company logo on the side, vehicles are frequently used for promotional purposes.

So, to answer the question posed by the title of this article: A vehicle wrap is a large decal (or a set of decals) that turn a vehicle into a mobile billboard.

Why Use A Vehicle Wrap?

There are several distinct advantages to the use of a vehicle wrap, which explains why so many companies use them. Let’s start with the obvious factor of cost. Free advertising is not the norm, so companies generally have to budget a lot of money to pay for ad placement.

With a vehicle wrap, there is no need to pay for the placement of your ad. After all, the road is free for anyone to use, and there is no law that forbids anyone from using their vehicle as a billboard. So, other than the operating costs of the vehicle itself, a vehicle wrap offers a way to advertise for free.

It has been determined that promotional vehicles often get more attention than traditional business signs. It’s no surprise as to why that is so. When you are driving, you have to pay attention to the other vehicles nearby, even if you don’t particularly want to look at them.

For a good example of how successful this kind of thing can be, consider the success of the “Wienermobile” trucks that have been employed by Oscar Meyer for years. Even if you don’t eat their products, you have probably seen a “Wienermobile” at least once in your life, and you probably held onto that memory because it’s an uncommon occurrence.

This kind of thing also increases your brand recognition. How does it do that? Well, it’s very simple. If you create a promo vehicle with a unique and striking look, people will be more likely to mention that vehicle to their friends and family. Again, people always tend to remember uncommon things, so you want to make sure to be that uncommon thing!

What Kinds Of Vehicles Should Be Used?

When it comes down to it, any sort of vehicle can be used with a vehicle wrap. That being said, it’s a good idea to concentrate on vehicles that have the most surface area. For instance, the average two-seater car would be a poor choice because you don’t have as many flat spaces to decorate.

With a standard car, you can put some graphics on the doors, and maybe a large display on the hood, but that’s about all you can do. On the other hand, if you go with a truck, bus, or another large vehicle, you will have a much bigger canvas on which to work.

However, you also need to think about gas mileage when you choose your promotional vehicle. In order to maximize its benefits, you want to drive this vehicle all over town, and you want to keep it on the road as much as possible. Every time another driver looks at it, that’s free advertising for you. Like a good fisherman, you need to keep your hook in the water as long as possible.

If you go with a gas-guzzling vehicle, it will cost you a lot more to keep it on the road. Thus, your convenient free advertising will turn into a very costly affair. For these reasons and more, it is important to choose the right vehicle for your vehicle wrap.

Will A Vehicle Wrap Ruin My Paint Job?

Thankfully, vehicle wraps will not affect your vehicle’s existing paint job. As long as the decals are applied and removed correctly, you should have no problems in this department. In fact, one of the upsides of a vehicle wrap is the fact that it will protect your car from paint damage (at least, to a certain extent).

It is very important that you do not attempt to remove the decals from your promo vehicle unless you are properly trained to do so. There is a special process that must be used, and this process will ensure that no paint is removed with the decal. By the way, these wraps will normally last for 2–3 years before needing replacement or removal.

Caveat Emptor

Due to the increasing availability of printers, screen printing is easier and more accessible than ever before. Where printing was once the job of an expert, it can now be done conveniently at home. That’s why you need to remember the ancient Roman principle known as “caveat emptor”(“let the buyer beware”).

Before you allow anyone to put a wrap on your vehicle, you should check their credentials and see if they really have the experience to do this kind of thing. Those who have been in business for less than a year are probably not the experts they claim to be. As with so many other business decisions, you have to make a judgment call on this one.


Vehicle wraps are a simple and inexpensive way to spread your brand name all over town. With a minimum of time, trouble, and money, you can start turning the heads of local motorists so that your business will prosper even more. We hope that this brief introduction has allowed you to gain a new understanding of the subject. We also wish you and your business the best of luck in the hunt for new customers. If you would like to get a few more tips and pointers, please feel free to fill out the contact form below.

