Find the leader in you

Sai Srikar Vaidyula
Tuppence from a Toastmaster
4 min readMay 21, 2020

How many of you know that Toastmasters helps in improving Public Speaking? Well, how many of you know that Toastmasters also helps in honing your leadership skills?

A widely spoken fact about Toastmasters is that it helps in improving your public speaking. But the spotlight is not shared for it is also a platform for honing your leadership skills. At least I was in the dark about it.

I was never a leader. Sure, I was a “Class Leader” for consecutive years in school but what did the naive younger me know about being a leader? The only thing I remember doing as a class leader was “writing names” of students who were mischievous in the absence of a teacher. I grew up oblivious to the fact that there might be a day when I could be leading a group of people! For the most part, I was happier just doing things that were told. I had no reason to want to be a leader either.

To top that, I did not know how to work with a team. I preferred working alone with less dependency on others. For academic projects, I used to only pair up with my closest friends! Naturally, it was challenging when I did not have a say in choosing a partner. Joining a multi-national company as your first job where teamwork and ability to take initiatives are gauged and lauded, I had my work cut out for me.

Within weeks of joining Qonverse, there was a huge buzz around Qonverse turning 100 weeks old. That meant there was going to be a grand meeting with esteemed speakers and special events leading up to it. The Executive Committee — The set of officers who handle the functioning of the club was busy with several things to juggle between and needed volunteers to offload some tasks. They were looking for young blood to take up these tasks and since there were a few new members like me, we all were approached.

Me, an amateur! Are you asking me if I could be part of the organizing team? I have zero experience in this. I am not sure if I can handle that!

But isn’t that what leaders do? They identify potential leaders and give them a platform to try it. Toastmasters is made of people like that. People who want to give you a platform, and people who can use that platform to the best.

Maybe the Executive Committee saw something that I myself could not see within me. The Vice President of Public Relations (VPPR) asked me if I could help them.

“What do I have to do?”, I asked

“Advertise the club to people within the company and outside. Market what we do here at Qonverse and that way enabling more people to reap the benefits of Toastmasters. Basically, you need to be the face of Qonverse.

Firstly, I’m not very photogenic. I was laughing maniacally, but only on the inside. On a serious note, you have got the wrong guy! There’s no way I can do this. It is a huge responsibility. And it seems like it involves a lot of talking to people. Am I even ready for that yet?

As I expressed my concerns, they reassured me that I do not have to be the literal face of Qonverse. A huge relief, I must say! More importantly, they explained to me how it will benefit me, not just as a Toastmaster but as a person.

Yes, it does involve talking to a lot of people about my club. But isn’t that a confidence booster and the whole reason I joined Qonverse?

Yes, it does involve taking responsibility and giving commitment. But isn’t that nurturing me to manage my tasks and allot time?

Yes, it does involve taking initiatives. But the whole decision to join Toastmasters was an initiative. What’s another initiative that would only benefit me even if I am not part of Toastmasters?

After the conversation and contemplation, it seemed like an easy decision. I worked as an Associate VPPR for Qonverse for two months then and organized events for the 100th meeting celebrations. That had a lasting effect in the months to come.

After that brief stint, I was VPPR for Qonverse for consecutive terms and Club President after that. I was incredibly lucky to have people put their faith in me and I knew they had my back. I reached a point where I enjoyed having responsibility. Now I sit back as the younger blood around me carries the baton with the same, if not more, vigor.

If that day, someone found a leader in me, today I see leaders in the people around me. This metamorphosis happened in the cocoon called Toastmasters. And today, I have the wings to fly to greater heights.



Sai Srikar Vaidyula
Tuppence from a Toastmaster

Introverted Toastmaster | Movie buff | Marvel geek | Cricket follower