Rock those Milestones

Sai Srikar Vaidyula
Tuppence from a Toastmaster
4 min readMay 15, 2020

“Remember to celebrate milestones as you prepare for the road ahead” — Nelson Mandela

True to the quote, I was already over the moon thinking I had survived my first Toastmaster meeting. Moreover, I was convinced to give Toastmasters a shot. I started attending more meetings with Qonverse. I started taking up roles in the club’s meetings. I started seeing the stage more positively as each time I was on stage it gave me an immense confidence boost. All the other members were an encouraging lot who were ready to help me along the way.

The Club President recognized me as a regular attendee and invited me to have a chat. The next worst thing (after the stage) I was scared of was meeting one-on-one! But the confidence in the club’s people gave me the courage and we met. He instantly made me feel comfortable as if he was an old friend. He asked a great deal about my expectations out of Qonverse and what I needed from the club. My faith in the club grew stronger.

When he had asked to give my first speech — Icebreaker, I readily said yes! However, the days leading up to my first speech were a rollercoaster. I started working on a speech draft. I was elated each time I made considerable progress. But something in my head would trip and I did a “ctrl+A and backspace”! The meeting date was arriving and the speech was nowhere near completion. Like a light at the end of an unending tunnel, my Mentor had called me. How I wish I had reached out to him sooner or him, me.

It was only after talking to him and discussing the thought process behind an Icebreaker speech I felt better. After a few iterations to the draft, I could see my speech taking shape. I still remember the way he had highlighted each and every line to present his suggestions. I had my draft ready after incorporating the suggestions, and I practiced in front of the mirror (suggestion by my Mentor).

It was the day of the club meeting. I was ready. More ready than I ever was. I had read that dressing immaculately before going on stage acts as a positive placebo. I needed all the mojo I could get! I trimmed my mustache and beard. I wore formals. Not just any formals, but black trousers, and a blue shirt that my Dad had passed it on! It was a shirt he wore almost 10 years back. I believe I can say that not only did my Dad pass on his genes (jeans), but also his shirt! Sorry, not sorry!

I was in the meeting room and everyone warmed me with words of encouragement. The Toastmaster of the day called my name and everything went hazy. I forgot about my preparation. I forgot what I was supposed to do. If you had asked me what’s 1+1 then, I would have looked confused. Looking down, I headed to the stage amidst applause. I took a deep breath and lifted my head up. I saw 15 pairs of eyes looking at me expectantly. There was a noticeable smile on everyone as well. I began…

The start was suboptimal. My voice was croaky and stuttery. Somewhere after the first minute, I had a joke (another suggestion by my Mentor) and I could hear laughter. Jackpot! It worked! Thanks, Mentor! I began to speak more coherently and had no idea that I already reached the culmination of my speech. I concluded and I saw the crowd standing up one by one and applauding vigorously. A standing ovation?! Really?! I feel like a ROCKSTAR? WOW! I did it! I FINALLY DID IT!

Turns out Toastmasters religiously follow the quote by Nelson Mandela too. You see, every Milestone speech — An Icebreaker, or the last speech in a project — gets a standing ovation. It’s a Toastmasters’ way of celebrating the speaker for achieving their milestones.

After the meeting, I received great feedback on my speech. They were peppered with a fair share of suggestions which I happily took. Needless to say, I wanted more of this. The high of giving a speech in front of even 15 people was intoxicating! I had conquered my first milestone and I knew it was only the beginning.

Looking back, I am immensely grateful to my Mentor, for the suggestions which gave me the perfect kickstart I needed on the stage. Thanks to all the folks who cared enough to give feedback. Thanks to Qonverse for being encouraging throughout and helping me cross my first milestone!



Sai Srikar Vaidyula
Tuppence from a Toastmaster

Introverted Toastmaster | Movie buff | Marvel geek | Cricket follower