NBA Logo Design — History, Meaning and Evolution

Ilya Lavrov
Published in
5 min readApr 15, 2022


There are different opinions regarding the exact date of basketball becoming both widespread and popular. The game itself was invented two centuries ago. PE teacher James Naismith came up with the idea in 1891. Ordinary lessons were simply too boring, and he decided to make studying more dynamic as it was physical education actually. Having hung baskets on the opposed, he told his students to through balls in them. Soon the game became tremendously popular. Basketball teams were forming one after the other and soon, the game was known around the whole USA. Those teams were forming leagues, though many of them were created only to disappear soon. However, today article is about the one that is cherished by millions fans around the world. We’ll tell you about NBA and finally reveal just who is depicted on its label.

A beginning of NBA logo history & evolution

NBA today is a professional male league, and its players are payed as sport kings, no less. The league was formed in 1946. It was comprised of 11 teams back then, and now it can boast having 30. “Boston Celtiks”, “Chicago Bulls”, “Los-Angeles Lakers” and many others are famous not only…



Ilya Lavrov

I’m product designer with 10+ years experience. Co-founder of online logo maker.