Walmart Logo Design — History, Meaning and Evolution

Ilya Lavrov
Published in
4 min readApr 20, 2022


We take short and meaningful names of huge companies for granted nowadays, but it wasn’t always like this. For example, when Sam Walton thought about opening a shop — he looked at his rival’s names. It was common to see that business was named with your full name in the 60s, but Sam decided otherwise. He shortened the shop name to Walmart because of signboard cost reduction. And it worked. As did the basic principle of Walmart — low prices and a wide range of goods. Sam Walton’s initial idea was that any person could come to his shop and purchase everything it needed, low prices included of course. And, as we know, it is this strategy that brought prosperity to Walmart company. The company devoured many rivals and none of them was able to fight back.

Walmart logo history

The original Walmart logo was rather simple, it was introduced in 1962. The company’s name was Wal-mart back then. Then they decided to add a small star as a decoration and the world split in two — Wal and mart. Old Walmart logo color solution was quite basic as well — white letters on a brick-red shield. Simultaneously, a short slogan was formed: “Always low prices”. However, it…



Ilya Lavrov

I’m product designer with 10+ years experience. Co-founder of online logo maker.