Red Envelope’s are Here! Here’s How To Make them And Get Them

Published in
1 min readFeb 20, 2019

Red Envelopes are traditional monetary gifts given in Asian countries, primarily China, at social gatherings such as weddings or holidays like the Chinese New Year.

The red color of the envelope symbolizes good luck and is a symbol to ward off evil spirits.

Now you can give the gift of good luck and crypto using TurboWallet!

Creating a Red Envelope

Once you’ve added TurboWallet to your Telegram group, Discord server or any other messaging systems we support, you can create a red envelope with a simple command:

/redenvelope create 400 [COIN] to 10 users 

Then other members of the group will be able to /open an envelope until they are all gone!

This is what it looks like in Telegram:

Enjoy the gift of easy giving!

