Celebrating the first 1000 users at Turf 🎉

Dibyo Majumder | Heisenberg
Turf Gaming
Published in
4 min readFeb 3, 2024

It’s often said that acquiring the first customer can be challenging, & reaching the first 1000 users feels like a significant milestone, especially for an early-stage startup.

Well, guess what! We’ve not only crossed that threshold but achieved 1000+ Gamers within just one month of launching the official version of Turf. 🎊

With a conversion rate 71.4% | Community to Consumer 💪

Inspired by one of the YC Video by Gustf Astomer, We made some strides in building our community and converting them to our consumers.

Before going any further; Hat’s off to the whole Turf Team to make it possible.

Let’s Dive into what we do and how we made it!

Turf is an on-demand eSports facilitation Network to permissionless-ly host, manage, and enable participation in eSports / micro-competitions worldwide.

We’re curating a community of Gamers who want to opt for eSports professionally and enable them to create a sustainable income out of it!

Today we hit 1000 Gamers creating their Turf-ID on our platform.

Strategies that enabled us to bag this number with CAC = 0 ;

  • Working Backward from our Goal
  • Sales for Community is Different
  • Figuring out Distribution
  • Approaching Customers

Working Backwards from our Goal :

We’ve always believed in the power of working backward from our ultimate goal, to be at the heart of the thriving eSports economy. To achieve that, we know we need to do more than just provide a platform — we need to create an experience that draws users in and keeps them engaged. It’s about fostering a vibrant community, supporting eSports teams of gamers, and driving innovation in the gaming world.

We brought the core of the economy “ The Hosts ” and created value for them before getting value for them concerning what are their current needs and served, Brought trust and loyalty to their customers as well as their leaders. And then bring their customers to your platform.

We could have easily paid them to get their users, but that’s something that can be done by building trust and aligning vision with the leaders to enable them to grow.

Sales for Community is Different :

To Sell the “ need of the hour “, you have to have to analyze your audience. There is no way out, directly selling something innovative to any person is the wrong way to go.

We created a community around our audience from the last 4 months, i.e now 1.4k+ strong now.

Started Interacting and understanding their needs, & existing problems with current available solutions. We figured out their need for credibility and a stage to get them showcased around the world with unmatched level of professionalism.

We aligned our platform narrative, and features around their needs, and viola here we are with 1k Folks who claimed their Turf ID.

We recognise that it’s just a small milestone on our journey, with countless more conquests ahead of us. We’re committed to it, we are here to transform the eSports industry the way youtube did for entertainment industry.

Figuring out Distribution

In the dynamic world of eSports, where competition is fierce and innovation is constant, figuring out distribution is the linchpin to making a real impact. It’s not enough to have a groundbreaking product or service; you need to ensure it reaches the right audience at the right time. Whether it’s promoting a new tournament, launching an eSports platform, or unveiling cutting-edge technology, distribution strategies hold the key to success.
At Turf, we understand that connecting with the eSports community, influencers, and enthusiasts is paramount. We’re committed to crafting distribution strategies that not only penetrate the industry but also resonate with our target audience, ensuring that our contribution to the eSports world is both meaningful and impactful.

Approaching Customers

Approaching gamers directly is hard, direct reach-out wasn’t something, we had as an option, but rather providing a complete leveraged solution that they would love and connect with.

We interacted with the hosts and understood that they have more control over their user-base than us, even if their community is a part of ours now but this needs more trust and right communication.

Let’s say it’s a regional community, their leader knows more about us, they can connect better than us. Even if they are our community folks we focused on how to communicate with them so that there is max conversion.

That’s some bits about what worked for us !

Towards 10,000 Consumers 🚀

As we continue to grow, our focus remains on nurturing our community and providing a platform where gamers can connect, compete, and have fun. We’re excited about the future and look forward to welcoming even more gamers into the Turf family.

Join us on this exciting journey, and let’s make gaming history together!

Follow us for the latest updates on our products ✌😉

website — https://0xturf.gg/
twitter — https://twitter.com/turf_fi
discord — https://discord.com/invite/mzGa9mfdMq



Dibyo Majumder | Heisenberg
Turf Gaming

CEO & Founder Turf Gaming | 2x Entrepreneur | Built @instaraise | Strategy & Product Architect | Built on top of Ethereum, Tezos, Polygon