Why coding is an investment for your child’s future?

Turing Ninjas
Turing Ninjas
Published in
3 min readMar 21, 2020

Today code is everywhere around us. It exists on your mobile phones, tablets, smartwatches, your cameras, or any gadget you use in your daily lives. If you want to call a cab or order grocery or play games or connect with your friends, you just need a few clicks on the apps and the job is done. But what are these apps? They are just a bunch of computer programs!

As our dependency on technology increases, the demand for computer science and coding is bound to increase. Coding is said to be the new literacy of the 21st century. With technological advancements all around the world, coding will become an essential skill, the same as reading and writing, and would be a must-have competency for future jobs.

Hands-on coding teaches kids computational thinking which is breaking down complex problems into small easily solvable components. It fosters reasoning and logical thinking. Kids learn tinkering and perseverance, thus developing an attitude of not giving up but to keep trying harder each time they fail. Coding is both fun and challenging and provides kids with the skills which would be useful at school and at work even if they choose not to be a computer programmer.

For quite some time, STEM(Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) based curriculum is gaining more and more attention from parents and is the need of the hour. STEM-based careers are in high demand and increasing every year. And out of all the STEM jobs, 67% are in computer science.

Programming will be one of the most sought after skills in almost every field. In the coming future, automation will be replacing most of the jobs. It has been analyzed that around 20 million manufacturing jobs would be replaced by robots by 2030. Thus for the creation of these automation systems more and more job requirements would arise in the computer science sector. After all, robots are just machines working according to the software written by a man.

Exposing children to coding since young might help them develop a knack for it. It would not only instill them with the desired skills of the digital age but also lead them to a competitive advantage. It will boost their imagination and make them determined problem solvers.

Young minds are creative and inventive and should be given an opportunity to explore the field of computer science. As parents, you can help your kids learn to code and support them to create an independent and fulfilling future. So ensure today that you give your kids a chance to enjoy and discover the world of programming.

