Five Popular Web Development Frameworks to Watch Out for in 2022

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2 min readJan 24, 2022

Websites are essential for organizations to have a visible online presence. The best way to attract new customers or clients is to create engaging and intuitive websites. One way to accomplish this is by selecting the right web frameworks.

Frameworks for web applications include components, code snippets, and templates. These frameworks help you create online apps and websites for your projects. In addition, they also help create web services, application programming interfaces (APIs), and other web resources.

Client-side and server-side frameworks are the two most common forms of development frameworks. While client-side frameworks deal with the user interface, a server-side framework works behind the scenes to guarantee that the website runs smoothly.

This post takes you through the five most popular web frameworks to consider in 2022.

Popular Web Frameworks: React

Language: JavaScript


React was created by Facebook in 2013 as a simple JavaScript toolkit to construct the web’s display layer in a component-based manner. Soon, React gained a lot of traction among businesses and developers quickly.

It also differed from prior JavaScript frameworks as it favored one-way data binding. As a result, react is one of the most innovative frameworks, and React developers are in high demand in the US market.

Key Features:

  • Software developers can use React for building applications for multiple interfaces like mobile OS, Websites, and SmartTV OS.
  • The framework is used with other libraries from the React Ecosystem to create end-to-end applications.
  • React offers the best rendering and is also SEO-friendly.

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