Geographic Information System Day: Best Tech Stacks to learn as a GIS Developer

Gospel Bassey
Published in
7 min readNov 16, 2022
Geographic Information System Day
Geographic Information System Day

For a robust understanding of the world we live in, we need data. However, in the absence of spatial reference, this data can become useless with no geographic context. The presence of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) has made a huge difference as it helps us make better decisions.

GIS is built on four primary agendas:

  • Creating geographic data.
  • Managing the data via a database.
  • Analyzing and discovering patterns.
  • Displaying all these on maps

Geographic information system (GIS) is a system technology that creates, manages, analyzes, connects, and integrates all types of data to geographic maps, resulting in a set of information and tools that finds application in every industry. With GIS, patterns, relationships, and geographic context facilitate easy communication, management, and decision-making.

History of Geographic Information System Day

GIS history can be traced to 1854, when it was used by a British physician John Snow to map the outbreak of Cholera in London. John Snow while mapping roads, boundaries, and water routes, discovered that cholera cases were only along one water route. This discovery marked the genesis of spatial analysis.

In 1968, a man considered to be the father of GIS named Roger Tomlinson started combining modern computing with maps. The term “GIS” was coined by him in his paper “A Geographic Information System for Regional Planning.” This marked the transition of GIS to a computer-based tool for storing map data.

Everywhere all over the globe, November 16th is marked as GIS day to celebrate the emerging technology of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Inspired by Ralph Nader as a day for geography awareness, the National Geographic Society, Association of American Geographers (AAG), and Esri came together in 1999 to mark November 16th as GIS day.

How to get started as a GIS Developer

Most employers prefer candidates with a background in Geography, Computer Science, Engineering, or Urban Planning. Candidates must have at least a bachelor’s degree in any of these fields. But this isn’t a strict requirement. People who already have a bachelor’s degree in other fields can supplement their resume with a certificate program in any of the above fields.

Best Tech Stacks to learn

To be a GIS Developer, one needs to be proficient or at least have a knowledge base of various programming languages depending on whether the position requires desktop GIS customizations, web development, or both. The following are the programming languages that GIS developers use:

  • Python: Python is a popular scripting language used in most GIS software applications (desktop version) like Esri’s ArcGIS and QGIS to automate geoprocessing tasks. Its scripts are command-based with data types, statements, and functions. Within the ArcGIS framework, python scripts run directly on an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) like IDLE, PythonWin, and Wing. Python for ArcGIS is a dedicated page compiled by Esri to provide learners with all the resources necessary to learn and be proficient in python. In the QGIS framework, python is used to create and use plugins, process algorithms, and applications based on the QGIS API. This framework’s resources are available for free online. Other excellent open-source resources for learning python for GIS include:
  • Geopy — geocoding toolbox for providing support for Google Maps, Windows Local Live (Virtual Earth), Yahoo! Maps,, MediaWiki pages (with the GIS extension), GeoNames, and Semantic MediaWiki pages.
  • Python Cartographic Library — a package of modules for rendering GIS data from different backends into maps.
  • Django: Django is a python framework used in building Web applications from a plethora of built-in APIs and sub-frameworks. GeoDjango is one of the sub-frameworks in Django used in implementing geolocation features. This sub-framework allows developers to build GIS-based web applications.
  • HTML: With the latest release, HTML5, HTML is used in mapping, rendering of data, and development of Web-Based GIS applications.
  • JavaScript: JavaScript is one of the essential languages every aspiring GIS developer should be proficient in because lots of web GIS applications like Google Maps, Leaflet, and ArcGIS use this language. JavaScript covers a lot of uses, from spatial analysis to robust base map servers. It has numerous libraries, such as Leaflet, that are utilized in building web maps.
  • C#: This programming language is relatively easy and more intuitive to learn. It is used in building web-based GIS applications in multiple environments. It also provides development tools for interaction with Windows-based software.
  • C++: Being an expert or at least proficient in C++ is an essential skill set as this language is used by GIS developers to develop customizations and plugins for GIS programs such as QGIS and ArcGIS.
  • NET: This framework allows developers to customize GIS in multiple environments. Similar to C#. It also offers development tools for interaction with Windows-based software.
  • PostgreSQL and PostGIS: PostgreSQL is an open-source object-relational database system with a reputation for being reliable and robust with excellent performance. PostGIS is a spatial database extender for PostgreSQL. It allows location queries for geographic objects to be run in PostgreSQL.

What types of GIS-based jobs are available?

The GIS job market is so vast that some jobs demand a specific set of programming languages in addition to GIS software. Jobs could range from setting up a system that maps data in a specific area for crime resolution to building an application that generates mailing lists based on a spatially selected area.

The type of programming language used depends on the GIS software and the job demand. For instance, Python is used for extending ArcGIS and QGIS functionality. However, for browser-based mapping applications, understanding the various web-based languages like HTML and JavaScript is required. Thus, it is recommended that a developer learn all the languages listed above.

Projects to hone your GIS Skill

The following are projects with the suggested programming language and resources that you can build to improve your GIS programming skills.

  • Vector/Raster Files Converter: This platform runs the conversion between several vectors and raster GIS data formats. These conversions range from Esri Shapefile to GeoJSON, KML to GeoJSON, GeoTiff to ECW, Geotiff to COGs, GEOTIFFs to JPEG, and others. Vector/Raster Files converter can be built as a web application, desktop application, and API. Tools to use include:
  • Web application — HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Leaflet, React, Turf, or JS
  • Desktop application — Python, Fiona, geopandas, or pyGUI
  • API — Django/Geodjango or Node
  • Spatial Bookmarking Note: With a basic knowledge of Django for the backend, PostGIS for database management, and Leaflet for Mapping libraries, you can build a bookmark note app, where users can add locational information in the form of latitude and longitude, which will be stored in a spatial database.
  • Remote Sensing/Earth Observation App: With proficiency in Python, Google Earth Engine, JavaScript, HTML & CSS, or Leaflet JavaScript, you can build a platform generating time-series maps of an area via open satellite images. With this platform, a user can draw or upload a boundary to generate the time series of a location on earth.
  • QGIS Plugin: Building a QGIS plugin will widen your understanding of the Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) paradigm in Python. Tools to use include Python, QGIS, and QT Designer.


Emerging technologies like smart homes, self-driving cars, AI, and drones are key players accelerating the rise in adoption as GIS is used in these technologies. GIS’s technological capability to process and analyze sophisticated datasets, aids in addressing problems at various levels, making it an all-encompassing tech.

Also, GIS is crucial in the decision-making processes geared towards the increase in operational efficiency and revenue. Therefore, it is safe to opine that GIS has crafted a niche for itself in every sector, and its relevance will continue in the present trajectory of growth for the next couple of decades as it remains a key technology for businesses, government, industries, and academic institutions alike.

Are you a GIS Developer?

Join Turing and get connected with top U.S. companies for high-quality jobs.

Turing: Bridging the gap between GIS Developers and top companies

Turing’s Intelligent Talent Cloud uses AI to connect the world’s best software developers to high-quality U.S. jobs. Turing’s developers can work with top U.S. companies as long as they have at least three years of experience and can speak and understand the English language, no matter where they are in the world.

The process for becoming a Turing developer is pretty easy. It includes:

Pass the tests:

  • Tech skills
  • Soft skills and communication
  • Prior work experience

Related Post: Six Tips to Prepare for the Turing Developer Tests or Tech Stack MCQ Tests

Get matched:

  • Confirm availability
  • Confirm compensation

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  • Full-time engagement with one of the partner companies
  • Get paid by Turing monthly
  • You have access to continuous matching, so if you need to move jobs — Turing will match you with another company.
  • You will work directly with U.S. companies — no middleman
  • You will have access to mentorship, upscaling, and a global community

More than 200+ companies, including Amazon, Coinbase, PayPal, Microsoft, Dell, Salesforce, and Disney, to mention a few, are looking for programmers that include full-stack developers, AI Engineer, DevOps, ML Engineer, Data Scientists, AI scientists, mobile developers, in over 100 technologies.


Question 1: What is the most relatable real-world application of GIS in our everyday lives?

Answer: GIS is responsible for locating the closest gas station when one is lost. It finds optimal locations by connecting traffic volumes, zoning information, demographics, and other data.

Question 2: How do I get a job after becoming a GIS developer?

Answer: Join platforms like Turing to connect GIS developers and top companies for top-quality jobs. Other generic sites include Indeed, LinkedIn, and others.

Question 3: What is the career progression as a GIS developer?

Answer: As a novice in the field, you first start as a GIS intern or GIS technician, then progress over the years to become a senior GIS developer

Question 4: What is Geographic Information System

Answer: This is a database or system that contains geographic data and software tools for analyzing, managing, and visualizing these data.

Question 5: Are there other similar roles to GIS Developers?

Answer: Apart from being a GIS developer, similar roles include GIS manager, GIS specialist, GIS analyst, GIS technician, Geospatial Analyst, and Information Systems Technician. Their salaries are equally similar to a GIS Developer’s salary



Gospel Bassey

Content Developer| Enthusiastic about the blockchain technology |Technical Writer | Poet and Creative Thinker |