How Does Turing Leverage the Intelligent Talent Cloud?

Monika Verma
Published in
4 min readSep 22, 2022
How does Turing leverage the Intelligent Talent Cloud?

What is Turing’s Intelligent Talent Cloud? How does Turing’s Intelligent Talent Cloud help in immediate hiring? Is the Intelligent Talent Cloud model helping companies scale?

Let’s learn how Turing helps companies to scale.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, many companies switched completely to remote work. Businesses had no other option than to leverage the potential of remote work. While remote work did solve many problems and challenges, companies did not see it as a long-term solution.

The pandemic aftermath revealed how remote hiring talent helps in improving productivity. Remote work also helped companies reduce employee turnover and access a large talent pool. In this scenario, Turing emerged as a catalyst in establishing a platform that benefits companies and remote developers alike.

To date, Turing’s talent cloud has helped over 300 companies to hire remote developers and maintain a higher retention rate.

Going remote is tough without the AI talent cloud.

When seeking remote developers for a job, companies fail at creating a global pipeline to find and test developers. The possibility of sourcing the best candidates from a global talent pool is fairly low. Companies cannot invest all their time and resources in vetting such a large number of engineers.

A lot of companies invest time in conducting technical tests and interviews to screen developers but fail at scaling efficiently due to a lack of global reach. Also, many companies have no specialization in vetting engineers and testing the seniority level of engineers.

The Turing Intelligent Talent Cloud overcomes all these limitations.

What goes behind Turing’s AI vetting and matching

There are many factors to consider for vetting remote developers. Factors like language barriers, time zone clashes, the complexity of legal compliances, quality assurance, and productivity tracking always persist with remote hiring. Turing’s Intelligent Talent Cloud focuses on successfully dealing with all the above-mentioned issues. Here is what Turing does:

  1. Sources a global pool of developer talent
    Turing’s talent cloud relies on robust software especially designed and developed by industry-leading engineers, to source a global talent pool.
  2. Vets remote developers as per Silicon Valley standards.
    Turing created the Intelligent Vetting Cloud via AI and machine learning logic. The talent cloud focuses on vetting developers and conducting technical tests to evaluate developers’ skills as per their resumes.
    After these tests, Turing conducts interviews to further evaluate the developers as per Silicon Valley standards.
    The vigorous vetting process includes over five hours of tests and interviews that test developers in terms of development, communication, collaboration, and management capabilities.
  3. Optimized Artificial Intelligence (AI) powered vetting to remove human biases.
    Turing’s AI-powered vetting engine creates deep developer profiles for every developer who clears the vetting process. All the developers get scores as per their performance in the vetting process. The talent cloud also records prior performance reviews of every developer.
    Ultimately, all developers get scores based on their skills, test performance, and previous work reviews. With this in-depth skill evaluation, developers get ratings solely based on their skills and efficiencies, eliminating human biases in the vetting process.
  4. Deep matching algorithms for fast and optimal matching
    Turing’s Talent Cloud is well supported by a matching engine. The matching engine performs deep indexing of developer profiles, provides developer ranking and performs matching as per the given job specifications.
    The algorithms for deep matching use end-to-end data for job requirements and filter out the best candidates.
    The filtered recommendations save time interviewing multiple candidates on the platform. Also, in-depth filtering helps companies find the ideal candidate from a planetary pool, increasing the developer’s success rate.
  5. Diminishing hiring, managing, and paying complexities
    Upon matching the desired developer, the talent cloud assures secure and easy remote development. To reduce complexities, it handles payments, security management, communication challenges, and global taxation measures.

Why companies love Turing’s Intelligent Talent Cloud

Turing’s AI-backed Intelligent Talent Cloud vets and helps manage a pool of remote developer talent.

Turing has served over 300 major companies and many startups in Silicon Valley and other cities in the US. Here are some reasons why companies switch to Turing:

  1. Quick hiring
    With all that Turing’s Intelligent Talent Cloud offers, companies can fill most roles within 3 to 5 days. Sometimes, companies find the right candidate on the same day of raising the hiring request. Turing’s cloud platform eliminates the tedious hiring process that takes weeks to months to fill any given job role.
  2. An impressive developer retention rate
    Turing developers have a higher retention and engagement success rate. More specifically, the engagement success rate of Turing developers is 97%. This means 97% of the time, the developers hired from Turing work with the hiring company for the long term.
  3. Saves time and cost on interviewing
    Another reason companies switch to Turing is the time and cost advantage resulting from the Intelligent Talent Cloud. With Turing, companies save over 50 hours per hire in testing and interviewing.
  4. A risk-free trial period
    Turing offers a two-week risk-free trial for every developer matched with a company. Companies get ample time to test developers for their programming, communication, and collaboration skills. With that, it is essential to note that the trial success rate stands at 90%, which speaks of the talent quality maintained on Turing’s talent cloud.

Turing has a talent pool of 2 million developers from over 140 countries. These developers stand out as strong contenders for various job types such as back end, front end, full stack, DevOps, and more. Companies switch to Turing for fast and efficient scaling and to spin up their engineering dream team with the Intelligent Talent Cloud.



Monika Verma

Monika is a passionate content creator who writes about technology. She is an early riser always on her quest to explore nature & sketch out her imagination.