The Creation of Resilient Remote Teams Now Possible with Turing

Monika Verma
Published in
4 min readOct 14, 2022
How Turing helps in creating Resilient Remote Teams?

How to create resilient remote teams? What are some common resilient behaviors of remote teams? How Turing helps companies to create resilient remote teams?

Resilience is the ability to effectively adapt to trauma, adversities, and any other source of stress. To significantly reduce the complexities, companies should focus on creating resilient remote teams.

Many businesses and organizations focus on building resilient remote teams that are flexible and adaptable to the complexities of a changing workplace. However, creating resilient remote teams can be tough in a remote work environment.

The complexities of creating resilient remote teams

Creating resilient remote teams is not a one-time effort. The management needs to ensure that resilient remote teams keep functioning in the face of difficulties.

There are various obstacles that make it difficult to build resilient teams. The list of these obstacles includes distractions at home, technical difficulties inability to communicate freely due to a remote work environment, among others.

How Turing helps in creating resilient remote teams

Resilient remote teams have a sense of deep commitment and work in harmony to achieve organizational goals. It isn’t possible to create resilient remote teams without developing an approach to deal with disruptions.

Creating resilient remote teams is one Turing’s core values. Here is how Turing helps companies to create and maintain a resilient remote team:

  1. Ensuring smooth onboarding and progressive behavior at work
    The onboarding journey has a lasting impact on each team member. A smooth onboarding helps team members to better understand the work culture and develop a sense of belongingness.
    Turing ensures smooth onboarding for each developer with its developer success team. The developer success team ensures that the onboarding developers have clarity about their roles and work execution.
    The developer success team assists developers with any setbacks or technical difficulties faced at work. This way, Turing ensures that the developers remain progressive at work and contribute to the creation of remote resilient remote teams.
  2. Helps in maintaining work-life balance
    Resilience develops in teams when each team member gets room to cope with external adversities. This breathing room comes from work-life balance.
    Turing offers a four-hour overlap with the PTS time zone to facilitate easy communication between developers and managers. This way, developers gain the freedom to schedule half of their working hours every day.
    The flexibility of choosing one’s working hours helps developers to lead a balanced life. Greater work-life balance contributes to developers’ well-being and boosts their mental strength to cope with external adversities at work.
  3. Turing workspace software
    Turing workspace software is a valuable resource for businesses and remote developers that facilitates the creation and management of resilient remote teams. The Turing workspace software takes care of everything from time tracking to daily virtual standups.
    Time tracking develops a sense of commitment and engagement among team members. Harmony and a resilient attitude is achieved through virtual standups wherein a sense of commitment and engagement is present among team members.
  4. Establish a collaborative work environment
    Three main concerns disrupt the remote work environment, they are communication, performance, and management. Turing offers collaboration tools for improving communication, performance, and management.
    The effective use of Turing’s collaboration tools gives rise to a harmonious work environment and helps create resilient teams.
  5. Strategic hiring of resilient team members
    Resilience can be cultivated in teams when businesses make constant efforts right from the beginning. Strategic hiring is one such effort that contributes to the creation of resilient remote teams.
    Turing screens each potential hire for various aspects including both technical and non-technical ones. The non-technical aspects include screening the candidates for proactiveness, communication, and credibility.
    Turing does this with its in-depth vetting process in which each candidate goes through a series of skill-specific tests. Each developer gains a ranking for their performance in Turing tests that helps companies shortlist candidates for resilient teams.
  6. Support from Turing Developer Community
    The mental well-being of employees largely impacts behavior at work. To maintain good mental health, remote employees need a platform to share their problems with those who can empathize.
    The Turing developer community offers an inclusive environment to remote developers. The Turing community designs a series of events and programs to support developers and cultivate a resilient attitude to deal with external adversities.


Building resilient teams is a time-consuming process that seems difficult to execute at first. With Turing, many companies have successfully created resilient teams. Whenever a company hires remote talent from Turing, they gain complete support from Turing for the creation of a robust and resilient team.



Monika Verma

Monika is a passionate content creator who writes about technology. She is an early riser always on her quest to explore nature & sketch out her imagination.