What Puts Turing at the Forefront of Remote Engineering Talent?

Monika Verma
Published in
5 min readAug 3, 2022
Why Turing developers are at the forefront of remote engineering talent?

Remote engineering is no longer an unrealized dream of the software development industry. Turing’s remote job ecosystem has turned it into a complete reality. Remote work was temporarily enforced worldwide to get businesses going during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. As per a survey highlighted by Forbes, about 97% of employees didn’t want to return to the office after the Pandemic.

As per a worldwide survey conducted by Statista, 63% of employees switched to remote work in 2021 for living an improved quality of life and the freedom to work from anywhere. With these statistics, it is clear that the demand for remote engineering jobs was on the rise but it was an unfulfilled dream until the Turing remote jobs were introduced for the remote engineering talent.

Is it possible for everyone to work remotely? Apparently, not all jobs can be done in a remote environment. For instance, the civil engineering and automobile industry require professionals to regularly commute and work physically in collaboration with their teams. However, one industry that can go fully remote without compromising on any of its processes is the software engineering industry. Turing has proved itself to be a catalyst in this process of helping remote engineers find their dream job.

Let’s dive in to know more!

Turing remote jobs: a complete game changer

Turing came into existence to provide a healthy work-life balance to remote engineering talent. Turing commenced its journey in 2018 and in just a short span of three years, it became a willful choice of over half a million remote engineers worldwide. But why? With Turing, many software developers have succeeded in securing their dream job without leaving the comfort of their homes. With that here are more reasons why Turing has become a willful choice for remote software engineers:

  • Excellent work-life balance: Turing helps developers maintain a perfect balance between their personal and professional life.
  • Exposure to global opportunities: Turing enables developers to work with global teams without leaving their home or country.
  • Higher salaries than the market average in most countries: Turing matches developers from all around the globe with Silicon Valley companies that offer higher salaries than the market average in most developing and underdeveloped countries.
  • Way to unstoppable growth: Turing opens doors to consistent growth for developers while saving on the cost of relocating, commuting, and staying near the work location.
  • Long-term job opportunities: Unlike other remote software developer gigs, Turing developers gain full-time job opportunities that bring long-term growth and flexibility to remote work.
  • Helps in saving: Turing jobs also help remote talent to save a decent amount annually that they would have otherwise spent on traveling, parking, and eating while working from the office. So it is a complete win-win situation.
  • Promoting a great work culture: When given the flexibility to choose when and from where to work, the employees feel valued and work in harmony which ultimately promotes a great work culture.
  • Lifetime eligibility to work as a Turing developer: Every developer who makes his way through the advanced vetting process becomes eligible to work as a Turing developer.
  • Financial freedom: With a well-paying remote job, financial freedom becomes more possible for remote engineers.

Turing software jobs provide all these benefits while promoting a great work culture. The remote jobs work model has helped Turing developers to be more productive and innovative at work. Higher quality work provided by Turing developers appeals to top Silicon Valley companies. Due to this, the remote talent chooses to be a part of the Turing developer community and become Turing developers.

The Turing developer community

The Turing developer community is another reason why remote engineering talent is a loyal follower of Turing. The Turing developer community brings global talent together for sharing knowledge and upskilling each other to gain unprecedented success.

Global Sourcing of talent

Turing performs global sourcing of talent by way of an intelligent vetting process for matching the developers with the right job requirements. Here is how:

  • Turing creates dynamic deep developer profiles of candidates that help employers select the best fit for the job by entering search metrics like role, seniority level, and tech stack.
  • The average developers’ engagement success rate at Turing is 97% which speaks of the high quality of Turing developers.
  • There are over 1.5 Million developers with 100 + skills are a part of the Turing community.
  • Companies gain access to the best pool of talents from over 150 counties. With Turing, they save an average of 50 hours per hire on interviewing and can fill a wide range of developer roles.

Overall, this makes for a win-win situation on both ends.

Turing developers explain what brought them to Turing

There are endless success stories of Turing developers who wished to work remotely but were unsure how to do it without compromising their growth. Here are some of them.

Milan, a Turing team lead from Bosnia and Herzegovina, talks about the Monday blues he experienced every week before he joined Turing. He always wanted to work for a Silicon Valley company but struggled to get a work visa. He began searching for better developer lead jobs in the United States and that is when Turing turned out to be a game changer for him.

He says, “From financial to professional growth, Turing takes care of everything. And once you join Turing, you don’t have to apply for another job.”

Milan’s review: Turing job review by a remote engineer from Bosnia

Siddartha, a Turing developer with 10 years of experience wanted the flexibility of work while doing something impactful. He sought a remote opportunity that offered growth while making time for his family and daughter. When exploring the options, Turing developer jobs were the only option that seemed right.

He said, “The Turing managers not only help you match with the best customers [Silicon Valley companies], but they also make sure you’re having a good time working for those customers [Silicon Valley companies].”

Siddartha’s review: An Indian Developer Found a Remote Developer Job in the US

Turing: A willful choice for financial freedom and savings

Until 2020, freelancing was the dominant form of a remote job for remote engineers. Needless to say that the pay offered for these gigs is relatively low and provides no stable income. Here again, Turing has emerged to be the game changer for remote engineering talent. Turing matches engineering talent with Silicon Valley companies that help them acquire their desired job opportunity. This is a prominent reason why Turing is the preferred choice for software developers across the globe.

Final words

There is no doubt that remote work will soon become a globally followed work practice. Turing has played a revolutionary role in helping remote talent achieve their full potential with Turing developer jobs. It won’t be wrong to say that Turing is making its way to lead the software development industry for many years to come.



Monika Verma

Monika is a passionate content creator who writes about technology. She is an early riser always on her quest to explore nature & sketch out her imagination.