World Usability Day: How Remote Work Helps with User Research

Monika Verma
Published in
4 min readNov 9, 2022
World Usability Day: How remote work helps with user research

What is World Usability Day? When is World Usability Day celebrated? Why is usability so important? What is the theme of World Usability Day in 2022?

Keep reading to find answers to all these questions.

The Covid-19 pandemic compelled many organizations to be remote-first. The stay-at-home mandates led the way for the adoption of technology for the easy performance of research tasks and usability tests.

As per research by Eurostat, 94% of EU enterprises provided access to Information Communication Technology (ICT) systems for all their employees during the Covid-19 pandemic. This shift is the result of easy access to tech products and services.

With the right tech products and services, it becomes possible to create quality programs and conduct usability tests for better performance.

What is usability?

Usability is all about the quality attribute, which helps in assessing the efficiency and effectiveness of using a product. Usability also measures user satisfaction. Usability is a mix of five quality components, including learnability, efficiency, errors, satisfaction, and memorability.

  • Learnability is how easy it is to perform a particular task for the first time while using a design.
  • Understanding the errors on the user end, understanding the complexity of these errors, and how one can resolve these errors.
  • Efficiency is how quickly one can perform a task after learning a new design.
  • Memorability is how easy it is for the users to work proficiently with a design after not using it for a while.
  • Satisfaction measures the comfort that comes from using a design.

All these components help in measuring usability in terms of effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction of use.

Why is usability important?

Usability is primarily important because it helps users to complete the task at hand. When the usability standards are met, products are easier to use. Usability helps the user to focus on the task at hand instead of struggling with the product UI.

Usability allows users to focus on the task at hand and commit fewer errors. Also, usability helps in making quick decisions and deriving instant satisfaction by completing tasks quickly. This satisfaction increases the chances of users recommending the products to peers.

High user satisfaction also increases user loyalty and user base. Usability is also important for determining the success of any system. That is why investing in usability is important for organizations.

What are the benefits of usability?

Usability testing allows the design and development teams to identify issues and offer a better user experience. The usability testing benefits you in terms of:

  1. Understanding user needs by analyzing product usage.
  2. Enabling you to make better design decisions.
  3. Enhancing product quality.
  4. Measuring user interaction with the products.

How do remote workers do user research to build user-friendly products?

1. Maintain proper communication with your co-workers

Maintaining a proper communication channel with your co-workers is important to perform research. So, when working in a remote environment, try to maintain social interaction with your co-workers. You can connect with your co-workers through text, email or call, or any other communication channel which suits your company.

With proper communication, you can maintain the project status updates, pay attention to improvements and discuss new projects in hand. Remote workers must discuss changes in every project to create better products.
In the remote setting, researchers can analyze first-hand data to create user-friendly products.

2. Conduct usability tests through online platforms

In a remote setting, conducting usability tests can be tricky without the right set of tools. One such usability testing tool that you can use is Webex. Webex enables researchers to share the screen (prototype) with participants to handle the prototype and manipulate it.

You can run usability tests in the same way they conduct them in person. You can also record the session in case you need later playbacks. Another tool that allows you to perform usability tests is Camtasia which allows screen casting and perform usability testing.

In case you need a tool for unmoderated sessions, Mouseflow is the tool for you. With Mouseflow, you can record user activity heatmaps on any program or website. All these tools make usability testing a lot easier.

3. Do not ignore mental health

Many people may not realize but switching to a remote setting brings a clear change. People struggle for basic necessities, and parents struggle to find the right facilities for their children.

Everyone goes through a different struggle, but it is important that we do not ignore our mental health. Good mental health is also important to be more productive at work. So, take breaks, and destress your mind to maintain good mental health.


In the remote first world, it is essential to consider the best practices for usability testing in a remote environment. So, this World Usability Day, let us acknowledge the benefits of usability and best research practices to build user-friendly products.

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  1. What is World Usability Day?
    World Usability Day is celebrated every year to acknowledge the importance of usability and ensure easy access and usability of all products and services.
  2. When is World Usability Day celebrated?
    World Usability Day is celebrated on the second Thursday of November every year with the objective of making sure that all important goods and services are simple to use.
  3. Why is usability so important?
    Usability is important because it improves user productivity and helps them complete tasks at hand more accurately.
  4. What is the theme of World Usability Day in 2022?
    The theme of World Usability Day in 2022 is health and well-being.



Monika Verma

Monika is a passionate content creator who writes about technology. She is an early riser always on her quest to explore nature & sketch out her imagination.