Deciding between Front End and Back End, and why we don’t offer Full Stack.

Erin Williams
Published in
3 min readAug 27, 2018

One of the main questions we get from prospective students is, “why don’t you offer a full stack program?

Our short answer: with the increased complexity and sophistication of software, there are very few people out there who are truly “full-stack” in that they are proficient in Front-End, Back-End, Ops, and UX/UI. Even for those who are “masters of all”, 7 months isn’t enough time to get there. Most developers should, and do, specialize, which is how we’ve tailored our courses.

The next question we get is, “how do I choose? How do I know if I should be a Back-End or Front-End developer?

Jeff answered both of these questions and many more in this article, which you should read immediately and thoroughly, and this video.

A great way to figure out what you’re interested in is to try it yourself. Start with Ruby and JavaScript courses on codecademy, and see which one resonates with you. Then join us at a Try Coding Weekend, where you’ll try out Back End one day and Front End the next, and get a chance to talk with graduates from each program about the work they’re doing now.

Whichever you choose, at Turing you learn how to learn, and the truth is, we have students who are graduates of the Back-End program who are working as Front End Developers, and students who graduated from Front-End who have found work using Back-End technologies.

Additionally, while we don’t think money should be the main reason you choose a program, we understand the reality: you need to get a job! Here are the current employment stats for the last few cohorts:

Employment stats as of 8/24/2018

The average starting salary for all the above cohorts is $75,600.

Some people also ask, “what job will I actually get?” Here’s a collection of job titles from the last few graduating classes:

If you’d like to talk with us, or meet an alum or two to help you with your decision, we’re happy to chat! Email us at to make a connection.



Erin Williams

Admissions and Enrollment Manager at Turing School of Software and Design.