Quarter 4 Jobs Report

Kayt Hensley
Published in
2 min readFeb 13, 2018

Welcome to the first in a new series on the Turing blog, our Alumni Jobs Quarterly Report. We are committed to transparency in our outcomes reporting, and as we continue to expand our data collection, we want to share that information with you.

During the period between September 1 and December 31:

  • 77 Turing alumni accepted jobs,
  • The average time-to-hire was 73 days,
  • The median salary was $72,754,
  • 60 jobs were in Colorado, 15 elsewhere in the US, 4 fully remote and 2 international

During quarter 4 we graduated 51 students (25 from the 1703 cohort and 26 from 1705). The placement rate for new grads was as follows:

  • 1703 Front End: 100%,
  • 1703 Back End 84%,
  • 1705 Front End: 46%,
  • 1705 Back End 38%

At the end of the quarter 26 alumni were job seeking.

So what does this all mean? Since this is the first time we’ve produced a report like this, I can’t give you much in the way of comparison data, but I can tell you a few things that we think are pretty awesome.

The ‘holiday season’ is often seen as a job hunting dead zone. ‘Don’t even bother looking for work between Thanksgiving and the end of the year, nothing’s happening.’ Between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Eve 2017, 20 alumni signed offers — which knocks that theory a bit sideways. If our students and alumni have the hustle, they can get jobs no matter the time of year.

Three cohorts reached 100% employed during the quarter, 1703FE being the first to hit 100% in 100 days since we started tracking time-to-hire. We are now spending time thinking about how to shift our goals for what is possible for a cohort after seeing the success of 1703FE. This has pushed us to shift our professional development and career support. We believe we will see more and more cohorts this year hitting our aggressive target of 100% employed in 100 days.

We’re incredibly proud of our alumni who accepted a new job in quarter 4, but there’s still plenty to do as we move forward. Top of our list is continuing to reduce the time-to-hire number. This cohort we’ve implemented some new strategies to help our students feel more comfortable with the job search and interview process. We’ve added peer accountability sessions, timely and targeted professional development sessions and increased employer outreach to strengthen and develop partnerships. The more we can prepare students for things like the technical interview and networking, the more confidence they have as they transition into the job hunt.

Quarter 4 finished strong — here’s to a 2018 that brings even more students to the high-fulfillment technical careers they deserve!

Interested in hiring a Turing grad? Reach out to kayt@turing.io or browse our alumni profiles at https://www.turing.io/alumni.

