Discover Weekly #1

Turkish Eye
Turkish Eye
Published in
3 min readJul 14, 2020

Turkish Eye” is created to reach beyond boundaries and share a new perspective of Turkey! Here you can find unique info about pandemic agenda, cultural discoveries and traditional experiences of Turkey with Turkish taste of expression. Enjoy!

One of the most important and colorful common languages ​​of the world is music! It is rising and advancing intensely in our country, but only enjoyable from time to time. Although Turkish music is associated with sounds from the middle east and Anatolian vibrations worldwide, there are also highly talented artists performing indie, electronic and experimental music in Turkey too. In addition to being very popular, they can sometimes remain underrated in obscurity. It’s certainly much easier to follow what is going on in the Turkish music universe, through the eyes of a Turkish!

What if we regularly share all our new and dynamic music discoveries with you? So welcome to our weekly discovery route, not far from the quality you are accustomed to hearing around the world!

Local Stardust: Akın Sevgör

It would be proper to call Akın sevgör as a complete musician. He completed his classical music education at Hacettepe University. Combining the infrastructure created with classical music education with minimal electronic sounds, Sevgör offers a very unique experience to the listeners.
He made a completely downtempo entry to the music market in 2016. First we heard his song in a Turkish series which is called “Fi”. There are 8 songs in his first album “ArsNova” and each song symbolizes another story from his life. Then we realize… He is such a musician, living in his own universe. Explaining himself with the power of rhythms and notes. Basically, Akın Sevgör is one of the rare people who managed to create a completely different galaxy in electronic music with minimal touches that brought it beyond the age. You should give it a chance!

Sweet Galactic Waves: Bi Android

Although the name of Bi Android is internationally resonant, the word “bi” actually means 1 in Turkish. Bi Android, is thrown from Istanbul to the music universe in 2018 and the group consists of only two people which performs songs in the style of synth pop and retro wave.

If we need to say something really interesting about this duo, we can say… There is basically an powerful obsession with the galaxy in this guy’s brain. You can easily understand this from the lyrics and you can definitely feel it in the tone of the music. While listening to them we can easily underestimate today’s insurmountable troubles and surround ourselves with galactic joy. We can’t say that Bi Android has a great success and fan base yet. But for sure they are on an amazing journey!

Dark Electronic Trio: ELZ AND THE CULT

We believe that Elz and The Cult is gonna take a really important position in the music world, sooner. Three talented people bringing dark synths, powerful bass and theatrical visual performance together. Apart from the new doors they open in the dark electronic universe, this trio also cares about the stage shows and all artistic part of being a musician.

Their first single “I Did This To Myself” (yes, they are creating most of their songs in English) gained critical and commercial success in Turkey and in some of European countries as well. We can highly recommend the “Faith In Me” song for the first touch. There are thousands of colors floating with harmony and creating a nice breeze for our ears.

Very Special Kind: Ah! Kosmos

Başak Günar is a very special Turkish musician, composer and producer that spreads from Berlin to the world. With her latest project, “Ah! Kosmos”, she managed to take a big place in the hearts of her Turkish audience.

Although she was born in Istanbul, while building her music career, she gained a lot of knowledge from the underground electronic world of Europe, as well as a lot of inspiration. Yes, you can hear all those minimal rhythms dominantly in her songs, but sometimes she adds some traditional tunes too. If you want, her voice especially has a tremendous taste. If you’re looking for something special and valuable to add to your playlist; you should take a look at the exotic world of Ah! Kosmos…

Do you like the suggestions above? Turkish Eye will continue to share new and dynamic Turkish music discoveries with you every week. Stay tuned!

