Swift: Throwing Functions

With throwing functions, you can easily handle the errors

Can Balkaya
3 min readJul 5, 2021


In Swift 2.0, Apple introduced the throws keyword in Swift. This keyword is so helpful for us on error handling. Basically throws keyword allows us to throw errors inside a method, property, class, or struct.

After async/await came out with Swift 5.5, throwing functions became more popular. To be honest, I love throwing functions because they are so simple, understandable, and looks more readable.

In this article, we will learn all the use cases of throwing functions.

Using throws Keyword

All it takes to create a throwing function is to write throws keyword to a method just before the return statement.

To call this method, we need to use try keyword before writing method.

Throwing Errors

We use the “throw” keyword to throw errors inside the methods, classes, structs, and properties. To throw an error, we must define our Error types like this:

Then we can use this ExampleError type into exampleMethod as follows:

So, if you give same String values to first and second parameters, you will see the invalid error on the terminal.

Throwing Initializer in Swift

Like any method, we can make throwing initializers. In this way, we can throw an error according to the value of the desired parameters after define an object.

For example, you might want to validate an email before creating a User object.

do-catch Statement

To catch a thrown error, we need to use do-catch statement. In this way, although an error is thrown, our app does not crash, but we can understand that an error is thrown.

When you run the above example, you will notice that when an error is thrown, the codes written in the catch block will run.

The above example is the most basic usage of do-catch statement. So, we can do more: We can catch the errors in separated blocks to display different alerts.

We can also catch two or more specific error types. In this case, you can use lists in your catch statements:

try? & try!

If you prefer not to cache any thrown errors, you can use try?. In this way, the app does not crash even though an error is thrown.

If an error is given regarding the email property of the User object, the email property will be nil.

If you want the app to crash every time an error is thrown, you should use try!. This will fail your app just like a fatalError method.


Throwing functions can be very useful in writing tests and async methods. After Swift 5.5, It seems to use more throwing functions now than before.

We will continue to publish articles about throws and rethrows in the future.

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