Road to NextGen Gaming

PS5: a Top Ten of Complaints

That’s a lot of shade for a product that’s so good, but here’s how Sony can make it even better

Kostas Farkonas
Turn On | Press Play
9 min readJan 31, 2021


The PS5 is absolutely great but it’s not perfect. The good news: it can be made perfect via firmware updates. The bad news: there’s not much happening on that front. (Image credit: Charles Sims, Unsplash / Road to NextGen Gaming)

The PlayStation5 has been out for almost 3 months now and a few thousand shy of 5 million people have had the chance to get their hands on one. Doing the rounds in forum threads, article comments and the like, the overall impression regarding Sony’s system is a positive one and rightly so: it’s a modern, fast, truly next-gen console capable of delivering amazing games. It’s not perfect, as there’s no such thing as a perfect consumer technology product, but almost every one of its shortcomings is a software rather than a hardware matter, making the PS5 a system that could — in theory — achieve perfection in the fullness of time.

Thing is, each and every one of these shortcomings has been there since day one. While a few firmware updates have been released since the product’s launch, they’ve all been of the “system stability improvements” variety. In the meantime PS5 owners have also been looking at the competition or at different use cases, realizing that they could be asking for a few more features than the ones Sony originally promised.

So! Here’s the current Top Ten of PS5 Complaints. It’s stuff that Sony must fix as soon…



Kostas Farkonas
Turn On | Press Play

Veteran journalist, project kickstarter, tech nut, cynical gamer, music addict, movie maniac | Medium top writer in Television, Movies, Gaming |