Samsung Galaxy S22 Plus review

Dependably predictable, undeniably desirable, this is the safe Android choice for 2022

Kostas Farkonas
Turn On | Press Play


While not the absolute best smartphone Samsung is currently offering, the Galaxy S22 Plus is a carefully balanced device that will appeal to many. It is the iPhone Pro of the Android world. (Image: Samsung)

It’s no secret that the Android smartphone market is big and vibrant, offering options ranging from the most basic to the most powerful, from the dirt cheap to the absurdly expensive, from the humblest form factor to the most luxurious one. It’s also quite unpredictable: different manufacturers use the same or similar hardware with different results, they build their devices around different “flavors” (and versions) of Android delivering a different user experience, they provide support that varies wildly even between models of the same year. It’s clear that all of that can be frustrating for consumers. It’s also clear that the one manufacturer that provides some much-needed predictability to this market is Samsung — and the Galaxy S22 Plus, the model sitting between its flagship one and the mainstream one, proves just that.

The new Galaxy S22 Plus is an evolutionary step forward, taking more than a few design hints from last year’s S21 Plus — and not afraid to show it either. The distinctive camera bump on the device’s back, for instance, is almost exactly the same (color-matched to the rest of the phone though), while the bezels around the screen and the lines defining them are extremely similar. Even holding one feels…



Kostas Farkonas
Turn On | Press Play

Veteran journalist, project kickstarter, tech nut, cynical gamer, music addict, movie maniac | Medium top writer in Television, Movies, Gaming |